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Jane Goodall

  • Birth of Jane Goodall

    Jane Goodall was born. Yeah !!
  • She arrived, yeah!!!!!

    Jane Goodall arrived on the shores of Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in western Tanzania.
  • Jane discovers that chimpanzees eat meat.

    Jane discovers that chimpanzees eat meat.
    Jane sees a group of chimpanzees hunting a bush pig. Then she notice that chimpanzees eat meat.
  • Jane discovers that chimpanzees use tools and make tools

    Jane observes David Greybeard and Goliath making tools to extract termites from their mounds, a discovery that would force science to reconsider its definition of homo sapiens: “Man the Toolmaker
  • National Geographic publishes first cover story about Jane and her research

    “My Life Among the Wild Chimpanzees” brings Jane Goodall and her chimps into the homes of millions.
  • The first film about her research

    National Geographic films and releases “Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees” which brings the lives of chimps and Jane into the spotlight internationally.
  • The beginning of what is known as the "Four years war''

    There is a war between chimpanzees.
  • Cannibalism is first observed

    Cannibalism among the Gombe chimpanzees is first observed. Mother and daughter Passion and Pom steal and kill babies in their own community.

    Dr. Jane Goodall attends the first ‘Understanding Chimpanzees’ conference in Chicago. This shifts her focus from observation and research, to a broader holistic animal-human conservation approach.