Ivan the terrible (cropped)

Ivan the Terrible

  • Period: Jan 1, 1530 to

    The Legacy of Ivan the Terrible

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Birth of Ivan IV

    Ivan Chetvyorty Vasilyevich was born in the Grand Duchy of Muscovy, Russia to Basil III and Elena Glinskaya.
  • Nov 18, 1533

    Ivan is given the thrown

    Ivan's father died while Ivan was 3 years old. Ivan's mother became regent.
  • Mar 20, 1547

    Ivan is crowned Tsar.

    At the age of 16 Ivan claimed the thrown and became king.
  • Nov 12, 1547

    Ivan is married

    Ivan married Anastasia Romanova who came from a powerful noble family.
  • Aug 20, 1549

    Advisor council is established

    Ivan appointed a council of advisors that helped institue his reforms and helped him introduce self-government.
  • Sep 29, 1556

    Ivan expands his domain

    Ivan defeated the Tartar Khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan which expanded his rule to the Caspian Sea in the south and to the Urals in the east.
  • Aug 22, 1560

    Anastasia dies

    Ivan's first wife dies and Ivan suspected that the nobles killed her. Ivan becomes more suspicious and his behavior becomes more erratic. This is the beginning of his reign of terror.
  • Mar 20, 1562

    Ivan gains absolute power

    Due to his depression and deep paranioa, Ivan left Moscow and threatened to abdicate the throne. Due to the people being left leaderless, they begged him to come back and he did on the condition that he recieved absolute rule.
  • Aug 22, 1565

    The secret police is created

    Ivan used the secret police to punish, kill and torture anyone that he felt that opposed him in anyway.
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan kills his heir

    Due to Ivan thinking that his daughter-in-law was imodestly dressed, he beat her. When Ivan's son defended his wife Ivan killed his son by striking him on the head with a pointed staff.
  • Ivan's death

    Ivan died of a sudden stroke which left his weak (physically and mentally) son in charge of the throne.