
Ivan the Terrible

  • 1533

    Ivan’s Father Vasili III's Death

    Ivan’s Father Vasili III's Death
    Ivan’s Father Basil III died when Ivan was only 3 leaving Ivan with no father figure.
  • 1538

    Death of Ivan’s Mother Elena Glinskaya

    Death of Ivan’s Mother Elena Glinskaya
    Ivan’s Mother Elena Glinskaya was killed leaving 8 year old Ivan to care for the starving Boyars.
  • Period: 1547 to 1560

    Ivan's "Good Period"

    when Ivan seized power at age 16 he won great battles, gained land for Russia, and ruled justly.
  • Feb 3, 1547

    Ivan Marries Anastasia

    Ivan Marries Anastasia
    Anastasia was Ivan's first wife and the his true love and had a great impact on his character.
  • 1553

    Richard Chancellor sailed to Moscow

     Richard Chancellor sailed to Moscow
    Richard Chancellor sailed to the White Sea coming across to Moscow, Ivan opened his trading ports to him without standard customs fees.
  • 1560

    Death of Ivan’s wife Anastasia Romanov

    Death of Ivan’s wife Anastasia Romanov
    Ivan’s wife Anastasia Romanov died, Ivan became extremely paranoid and suspected the Boyars of poisoned her.
  • Period: 1560 to

    Ivan's "Bad Period"

    His first wife’s death sent Ivan into a downward spiral causing to become mentally unstable and paranoid. He tried to avenge her death by having his secret police force kill the boyars he suspected of poisoning her to death. Overall after Anastasia died Ivan did many terrible things.
  • 1561

    Saint Basil's Cathedral

    Saint Basil's Cathedral
    A Legend states that he was so impressed with the structure that he had the architect blinded so he couldn't build anything more beautiful than Saint Basil's Cathedral.
  • 1562

    Ivan's Secret Police force

    Ivan's Secret Police force
    Due to Ivan's Unstable mental state after his wives death which he suspects the boyars of killing her, Ivan creates his own police force to kill all of the boyars and anyone else he thinks is a traitor.
  • Dec 3, 1564

    Ivan Leaves Moscow

    Ivan Leaves Moscow
    Ivan left Moscow and Sent two letters back to inform the boyars of his resignation from rule. The boyar court was not able to rule and begged Ivan to come back which he did under the condition that he would have absolute power.
  • 1570

    Sack of Navgorod

    Sack of Navgorod
    A plague that killed 10,000 people in Navgorod and about 1000 daily in Moscow. Ivan ordered the Oprichniki to raid the city, they burned and pillaged Novgorod and the surrounding villages.
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan kills his Son

    Ivan kills his Son
    Ivan finally snaps and he beats his oldest son to death with a cane.