Ivan The Terrible

  • Sep 3, 1530

    Ivan was born

    Ivan was born under the rule of his father and next inline to take the throne.
  • Dec 8, 1533

    Ivan Starts his run as Tsar of Russia

    Due to the Death of his father Ivan was the ruler of Russia at the age of three. He didnt actually rule or guide Russia though as he couldnt so his mom acted as ruler until Ivan was old enough.
  • Apr 4, 1538

    The Death of Ivans Mother.

    The Death of Ivans Mother.
    Elena Glinskaya had passed away of unknown causes on this date. this day was key In many ways. It was the Day ivan started to become indipendant and rule on his own. and it was also a key reason Ivan started going crazy
  • Mar 8, 1547

    Ivan Crowned Tsar of Muscovy / Marrige

    Ivan IV was crowned tsar of Muscovy. That same year, he married Anastasia Romanovna. This was a big year il the life of Ivan because it showed an increase in his power, and his marrige turns out to be very important.
  • Aug 7, 1552

    Military victories

    In 1552 and 1556, Ivan's armies crushed the Tartar khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan, respectively. This extended Muscovy control to the Urals in the east and the Caspian Sea in the south
  • Dec 9, 1560

    Reign of Terror

    Apon the Death of his first wife, Ivan went into a rage. He was cosntantly freakiing out and have consistent outbreaks. He was susspicious that the Boyars had murdered his wife so he took his anger out on them.
  • Death

    His death occured from what was apparently a stroke, The aftermath of his death was dispair for Russia.They had deep political and social scars.