Ivan groznyi parsuna

Ivan the Terrible

  • Aug 25, 1530

    When Ivan the Terrible was born

    Ivan the Terrible was born in Kolomenskoye, Russia on August 25, 1530. He was born to the name Ivan Vasilyevich and was the son of the grand duke of Muscovy
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan becomes the Grand Duke

    Ivan's father died in the year 1533. And on that die he became the Grand Duke in place of his father
  • Jan 25, 1544

    Ivan takes control

    At age 14 Ivan starts to take control and go on with his duties in government.
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan becomes a Tsar

    On this date Ivan becomes the first Tsar of Russia and was crowned by the metropolitain of Moscow. Ivan's father and grandfather wished to have this role but never dared to take on this role publicly.
  • Period: Jan 25, 1547 to Jan 25, 1560

    Ivan's good days of reign

    The dates are unknown but between th years of 1547 and 1560 were considered the years of Ivan better reign and when he was really productive.
  • Feb 3, 1547

    Ivan takes a wife

    On the same year he became a Tsar he selected a wife from all of the women in Russia gathered for hime inspect. Her name was Anastasia Zakharina-Koshkina. She came from a noble family.
  • Jan 25, 1549

    Ivan forms a assembly

    The date of January 25 is wrong but the year is correct to this. The date is unknown but in ths year Ivan formed a national assembly and enacted reforms in the local government. He also created a new law code in 1550
  • Aug 20, 1552

    Ivan takes over a place

    Ivan took over Kazan with 150,000 guns and 50 guns. His army suffered but he won the battle which lasted over 6 weeks.
  • Oct 2, 1552

    Rout of the Tartars

    Ivan defeated the Mongolians and his son was born during this time. His son was named Dmirtri in honor of the first ruler who defeated the Mongols.
  • Period: Jan 31, 1560 to Jan 31, 1570

    A time of time bad things

    The date is unknown for this timespan but the years are between 1560 and 70 which is when horrible and terrible things happened in the realm on Muscovy, the area which he tried to "regenerate"
  • Aug 7, 1560

    A loved ones death

    Ivans dear wife Anastasia died on this day due an illness she had been suffereing for a while. This left Ivan torn apart because he loved her and he suspected some sevants poisoned her. He later remarried.
  • Dec 6, 1570

    A murder and destruction

    Ivan murdered St. Phillip on this date and began the massacre of great Novgorod. He thought the town was full of traitors and killed thousand of men, women, and children.
  • Oct 6, 1574

    Ivan is given the name Prince of Moscow

    On this date Ivan was officially named Prince of Moscow
  • Feb 1, 1582

    Ivan kills someone

    The of this tradgety is unknown but the year is right. In this year Ivan the terrible killed his son by striking him with a steel rod. There was no explanation to his rage
  • Ivans death

    This is the year of Ivan the Terribles death. He was said to be playing chess when he fell backwards from his chair in a dying state and died later