It's a hard knock life

  • Period: Jan 1, 1201 to Dec 31, 1300

    It's a hard knock life

  • Jan 1, 1210

    Trick me once shame on you

    Trick me once shame on you
    King John became angered that Jews were not paying him enough. He then blinded and tourtured those who would not pay the new, much higher rate. This caused financial hardships throughout the Jewish community.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Hats on, Hats off

    Hats on, Hats off
    Catholic Church ruled that Jewish men had to wear spiked hats to identify them. This was demoralizing, as it was a rule specifically for this religion, others were not required to comply.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Night inspiratiion

    Night inspiratiion
    Jews are forced to wear a yellow label on all outfits to identify themselves. This made them feel out of place, and made them easier to identify for mockery and persecution.
  • Jan 1, 1233

    Hardy har har

    Hardy har har
    Jews were being mocked by politcal cartoons. This left hurt feelings, and ruined reputations. As seen to the left, several wealthy members of society were depicted as the devil.
  • Jan 1, 1242

    Religion vs. Promiscuity

    Religion vs. Promiscuity
    Jews, as well as whores, are forbidden from touching fruit in the market place. This decreased Jewish moral and reputation.
  • Jan 1, 1253

    Stay put!

    Stay put!
    Jews cannot live in towns that do not already have a Jewish community. This restricted Jews from moving to places to avoid persecution. This eventually led them to flee the country altogether.
  • Jan 1, 1263

    Hide yo kids Hide yo wife

    Hide yo kids Hide yo wife
    Jews were royally opressed and town after town was ransacked. No family was safe and houses were destroyed. This left Jews feeling terrified in their own homes and homeless.
  • Jan 1, 1268

    Bullied then punished

    Bullied then punished
    Religious procession was disrupted. Oxford Jews were arrested. They then had to pay for a large cross to be erected in commenorence. After being tramautized by the distruption and taken to jail they had financial hardships because the large stone cross was very expensive.
  • Jan 1, 1269

    Paid to the state

    Paid to the state
    Jewish children couldn't inharit their parents money when they passed away. This left decendants of the deceased left with bills and no compensation. It also angered several Jews since the Royal government confinscated the moeny left.
  • Jan 1, 1269

    I don't need you anymore.

    I don't need you anymore.
    Kings lessened his dependance on Jews by switching to Italian bankers. This left several Jews jobless and bitter.
  • Jan 1, 1274


    Expelled from Bridgenorth by the other townspeople. This showed how hated they were, and left them one less place to reside.
  • Jan 1, 1275

    Off to the farm

    Off to the farm
    Edward the first passed a law forbiding Jew from owning farm land. They were forced to be farmers or tradesmen. This uprooted families, and forced many to quit their jobs.
  • Jan 1, 1275

    Money Money Moneeeeyyy

    Money Money Moneeeeyyy
    King Edward forbade Jews to lend money on interest.
  • Jan 1, 1275

    She doesn't even live here.

    She doesn't even live here.
    Expelled from Cambridge. Although Jews didn't actually live there, those who owned property were expelled. This took awasy thier property, and added another place they were banned from.
  • Jan 1, 1278

    Dragging me down.

    Dragging me down.
    Lots of Jews were dragged to their death by carts pulled by horses.
  • Jan 1, 1278

    Shhhhh, its a secret

    Shhhhh, its a secret
    Many Jews were arrested for secrectly lending money.
  • Jan 1, 1278

    Big Meanie Head

    Big Meanie Head
    Several Jews were hanged and 600 imprisoned in the tower of London. This was one of the first vicious acts against the group.
  • Jan 1, 1287


    Edward expelled the Jews from Gascony. This began the expulsion of Jews all over England. This forced families out of thier homes and zone of comfort. It showed just how hated this religion was.
  • Jan 1, 1290

    Everyone Out!

    Everyone Out!
    In 1290 Jews were officially expelled from all of England. This was one of the first non violent act towards the group, intended to eradicate them.
  • Jan 1, 1290

    The begining of the end

    The begining of the end
    While the Jews were being exiled, life at home was difficult. A rising sense of nationalism by English Christians also created a rise in anti-semitism. Rumors were spread about the treatment of Christians by Jews, and hate ran wild. This hate quickly spread.