
  • Period: 566 to Jan 1, 653

    Abbasid empire

    The abbasids rose from the prophets uncle. The Abbasids empire later then fell when they could not find a way to mantain the empire. The Abbasids then moved to the capital empire.
  • Nov 11, 600

    Angel Gabriel and Muhammad

    Angel Gabriel and Muhammad
    Muhammad had a talk with angel gabriel and angel gabriel told him that he was the messenger of god and was chosen to do good in the wrold.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad's Hijra

    Muhammad's Hijra
    This was when muhammad made a journey to try to get away from the persecution of mecca. He then established a place were he could have his relegion and followers.
  • Feb 1, 622


    Abu-bkr was a leeader of many and the prophet and caliph after muhammad. He was a companion of muhammed and a ruler. He became the first muslim caliph after muhammad.
  • Jan 11, 632

    Split of Sunni and Shia

    Split of Sunni and Shia
    The split between Sunnis and Shia occurred after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, in the year 632. The shia were the minority of the population.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad's death
    A few months after returning to Medina from The Farewell Pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and died. Rumors say that he was poisened but his deat is not known.
  • Dec 1, 656


    Ali was the son-in law of muhammad and ruled for many years. Even though he was not a decendant of Muhammad his children would be therefore he was the chosen caliph afer muhammad.
  • May 12, 661

    umayyad dynasty

    umayyad dynasty
    After the death of Muhammad the Umayyad dynasty took over. They taxed the muslims and many muslims said it was unfair
  • Jan 5, 750

    Fall of umayyad dynasty

    The umayyad dynasty fell around the year 750 when many Muslims did not think that the Umayyads should be the people to lead the Muslim community.
  • Jan 1, 762

    House of wisdom

    House of wisdom
    The house of wisdom was a place were mathematicians, astronomers , and philosophers went to get more knoledge on what they were doing.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1099

    first crusade

    The first crussade took place in the city of jerusalem.Muslim soldiers made life very hard for the Christians. This got the christian very mad.