History Of Psychology Timeline, Maggie Zipperer

  • Wihelm Wundt

    Wihelm Wundt
    Open the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzip in Germany. He is called the Father of Psychology. Wundt was important because he separated psychology from philosophy by analyzing the workings of the mind in a more structured way, with the emphasis being on objective measurement and control.
  • Sigmond Freud

    Sigmond Freud
    Sigmund was probal one of psychology's most famous and most influential people. This mans views helped us look at childhood, personality, memory, sexuality and therapy in a different way. .
  • Edward Titchener

    Edward Titchener
    Edward was an influential figure in psychology. In his early studies he just focused on the breaking down of the human consciouoness into smaller eleents. This was called introspection. He is also known for coming up with the term empathy.
  • Alfred Adler

    Alfred Adler
    Alfred Adler was best known for studing Individual Psychology, and the concept of the inferiority complex. He was the President of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 1910 also.
  • Margaret Washburn

    Margaret Washburn
    Magaret was formaly Edward Titcheners student, and the first women to recive her Phd in psychology. She became a leding American psychologist in the early 20th century. She studied animal behaior and motor theory development.
  • G. Stanley Hall is the first American to earn a Ph. D in psychology.

  • Wilhelm Wundt founds the first psychology lab

    In Leipzig Germany
  • G. Stanley Hall opens the first lab for psycholoy in the us.

    At John Hopkins University
  • Sigmund Freud begins to give therapy to patients in Vienna, Austria

  • Evolutionary

    All evolutionary studies are about how all humans share the same characteristics mental.
  • Principles of psychology

    William James published 'Principles of Psychology,' that later became the foundation for functionalism.
  • Edward Thurndike develops the law of effect

  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson
    He spent alot of his time studying the cultural life of the Sioux of South Dakota. he gained cultural, social, and environmentla influences to help develop his psychoanalytic theory. Erik expanded Freud's theory of psychosexual into psychoanotytic.
  • Psychoanalysis

    Is the therapy based on the work of Sigmund Freud. Freud's patients suffered from nervous disorders with no found physical cause. He proposed that there is an unconscious mind into which we push all of our threathing urges.
  • The Mentality of Apes

    Wolfgang Kohler published 'The Mentality of Apes' which became a major component of Gestalt Psychology.
  • Psychologoy of Intelligence

    Jean Piaget published 'Psychology of Intelligence' discussing his theories of cognitive development.
  • Humanistic

    Humanistic theories of personality stress the basic goodness of the human being. The need to achieve one's full potential.
  • (APS) American Psychological Society

    Founded in 1988, The American Psychological Society (APS), is the nation's leading society dedicated solely to scientific psychology.
  • Socioculural

    Socioculuralpsychology is the study of culture behaviour in a socal setting.
  • Wundt forms the professional journal Philosophische Studien