Internet Usage and Abuse

By 59751
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    SAGE helps US warning system. ASCII is developed. Secure packet switching networks being developed. On-line transactions for Aremican Airlines. Wide-area newtwork funded by ARPA. JOSS online computational problem solving system. ARPANET developed.
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    ARPANET grows. UNIX OP developed. High-speed network interface. FPT developed. Mail sytem for ARPANET. C programming language. "Blue Box". Packet-switching a viable tech. Ethernet. ARPA now DARPA. NSF supports 120 universities. TCP/IP protocols. Supercomputers. Internetting. USENET.
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    TELENET. NASA has ARPANET nodes. CSNET. BITNET. Smaller computers. 64-kbit chips. ARPANET standarizes TPC/IP protocols. MILNET. SUN microsystems. Term "Cyberspace" invented. JVNCNET, NYSERNET, SURANET, SDSCNET and BARRNET. Blocking bad works. First worm. Internet grows significantly. Internet speeds up.
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    ARPANET officially shuts down. Search tools. Commercial use approved. Speed upgraded. Significant growth. New browsers.