Internet Timeline

  • Arpanet

    The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP.
  • Ray Tomlinson Email

    This impacts business by sending out mass messages to all and is more cost effective than cards. This leaves businesses saving money.
  • Garry Thuerk creates spam 1978

  • First social network 1979

    People online could chat together. This leads to business's networking.
  • Arpanet goes TCP/IP 1983

  • First Webpage 1991

    More business start using websites to make transactions because of this first webpage.
  • Ebay

    Is a online shop where you can become a vendor or buy from others. It is a consumer to consumer business to consumer sales services via the Internet.
  • Facebook is created 2004

    Facebook is created 2004
    Based on your interests on your facebook account, companies will target you for their ads because of your interests.
  • Youtube

    This leads to more online advertising on streaming videos. Companies start paying to have their ads on youtube videos.
  • Iphone introduces mobile web

    Iphone introduces mobile web
    This leads to more online purchases because it is quicker and more accessible.