
innovators timeline

By workout
  • John Kay Inventor

    John Kay Inventor
    John Kay was the creator of the flying shuttle and put a patent on it
    in May 1733 it it decreased the need of many people to operate.
    caused a higher need for more production rates.
    it allowed one weaver to make wider fabrics.
  • john kay

    john kay
    John Kay was the inventor of the flying shuttle. The flying shuttle was to be operated by one man and could spin wool at a higher rate then two men could. The positive side of the shuttle was that it could make much more wool than one could. negative effect need for more labor. It was patented in 1733. Some flying shuttles are sill used to day but it helped make better clothes
  • James Hargreaves

    James Hargreaves
    James Hargreaves was the creator of the spinning jenny and that was created to spin wool. the positive effects of it was that it made wool at a faster time. The negative effects was that it had a weaker wool making. Created in 1764. the spinning jenny was modified for better use but is still in operation
  • Richard Arkwright

    Richard Arkwright
    Richard Arkwright created the water frame. The Water frame was created to make cotton thread. It was powered by water which as a result made thicker yarn. The Advantage was that it was made on water power. i didn't find any negatives. it just isn't very modern.
    it was made in 1768 and it is probably not in use today
  • James Watt

    James  Watt
    James watt created the steam engine. The steam engine was the base of many important things. Like the model car. It was the first engine to use a separate condenser.
  • Samuel Compton

    Samuel Compton
    The spinning mule was created by Samuel Compton. they used it to spin cotton and other fibers. it carried up to 1320 spindles and could be up to 150 feet long. it required two men or boys to operate. it was made automatic by Richard Roberts in 1825 . the downside was that because of how fat and efficient it was it need to be operated for a long time. so an increase of labor. it was created in 1779