Infant Development

  • 1-3 months

    1-3 months
    physical- can move arms and legs together and moves reflexively, emotional-may show fear of new sounds, cognitive/intellectual- laughs out loud, and social- tries to attract attention of caregiver.
  • 4 months

    physical- may roll from side to side and looking from toy to another object, emotional- express delight, cognitive/intellectual- enjoys watching hands and feet, and social- shows social aspects of feeding time
  • 5-6 months

    grabs objects with either hand, emotional- be able to play the peek a boo game and may begin to show fearful behavior of separateness, cognitive- grabs at anything and all objects in reach, social- enjoys playing with children.
  • 7-8 months

    physical- holds an object in each hand and crawls, emotional- begins to have a sense of humor, cognitive- anticipates events, and social- exhibits fear of strangers.
  • 9 months

    physical-may try to crawl up stairs, emotional- likes to show fear of heights, cognitive- responds appropriately to a few specific words, social- likes to play games like pat a cake.
  • 10 months

    physical- likes to walk holding caregivers hand, emotional- cries less often, cognitive- speaks first recognizable word, social- more aware of and sensitive to other children.
  • 11 months

    physical- stands alone, emotional- recognizes the difference between being good and being naughty, cognitive- waves goodbye, and social- tests caregivers to define limits.
  • 1 year

    1 year
    physical- may be able to take off clothes, emotional- begin to develop self-identity and independence, cognitive- puts nesting toys together correctly, and social- enjoys playing with siblings.