
Infant Development

  • 1-3 Months

    1-3 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- Grasp objects in reflex movements Gross-Motor Skills- Can lift head when lying on tummy Cognitive/Intellectual Development- cries deliberately for assistance Social Development- tries to attract attention of caregiver Emotional Development- shows feelings of security when held or talked to
  • 4 Months

    4 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- Swipes at objects, gradually improving aim. Gross-Motor Skills- On tummy can lift head and chest from surface using arms for support. Cognitive/Intellectual Development- Coordinates eye movements Social Development- shows increased pleasure in social interactions Emotional Development- laughs when tickled
  • 5-6 Months

    5-6 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- Holds an object with both hands Gross-Motor Skills- On back can lift head and shoulders off surface Cognitive/Intellectual Development- Smiles at self in mirror Social Development- may be able to play the peek-a-boo Emotional Development- may begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt
  • 7-8 Months

    7-8 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- brings objects together with a banging noise Gross-Motor Skills- Crawls Cognitive/Intellectual Development- may be able to imitate an act Social Development- is more aware of social approval or disapproval Emotional Development- expresses anger more dramatically
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- Uses index finger to point, lead, and poke Gross-Motor Skills- Sits alone Cognitive/Intellectual Development- Likes to look for contents in containers Social Development- likes to play games like pat-a-cake Emotional Development- may show fear of new sounds
  • 10 Months

    10 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- Can release grasped object instead of dropping it Gross-Motor Skills- Stands with little support Cognitive/Intellectual Development- Speaks first recognizable word Social Development- is more aware of and sensitive to other children Emotional Development- cries less often
  • 11 Months

    11 Months
    Fine-Motor Skills- takes off shoes and socks Gross-Motor Skills- Stands alone Cognitive/Intellectual Development- can point to body parts Social Development- Likes to say no and shake head to get response from caregiver Emotional Development- Objects to having his or her enjoyable play stopped
  • 1 Year

    1 Year
    Fine-motor skills- may be able to take off clothes Gross-motor skills- walks with one hand held Cognitive/intellectual development- waves good-bye Social Development- likes to practice communication with adults Emotional Development- may have tantrums