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Industrialization- Advances in Technology

  • James Watt improves the steam engine.

    James Watt improves the steam engine.
    James Watt, Scottish engineer and inventor, made much more significant imprvements to the steam engine. Watt's improvements opened the door to the invention of the steam locomotives. Steam engines powered the first trains, steamboats, and factories. A steam engine burns coal to release heat energy it contains. Steam engine practically uses steam to power a machine.
    It was an important factor in the industrial revolution!
    It was an important factor in the industrial revolution!
  • Spinning jenny is invented

    Spinning jenny is invented
    James Hargreaves, a British carpenter and weaver, invented the spinning jenny. The spinning jenny made cloth much faster and much easier. The disadvantage, though, is that it has a low yarn strength. It also has increasing uneveness and imperfections with increasing speed.
  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.

    Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
    The cotton gin made it much easier to seperate cotton seeds from cotton fiber. It also reduced the time it took to clean cotton. The cotton gin also helped the southern states make more money from the cotton crops.
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph
    Did you know that 62 people had claimed to invent the first electrical telegraph? Well, Samuel Morse beat everyone else by being the first to get political backup and a business model for making it wrok. The telegrapgh used morse codes to send electrical signals across wires.Before the telegraph, there was mere knowlesge of the national and international news. But after the telegraph, communication became much easier.
  • Elias Howe invents the sewing machine

    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine
    The sweing machine was a great invention. People no longer had to make their own clothes, they would be made in large factories. This machine was very efficient; it reduced the cost of production, decrease in time of making the clothes, and increased production of clothes.
  • Anasthesia is first used in an operation

    Anasthesia is first used in an operation
    Because of this great invention, surgery is no longer as dreadful as it was. If you have ever done a surgery, you will understand how important it is to have that anesthesia shot before you start! Horace Wells was very kind to think of this idea.
  • Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Graham Bell invents the telephone
    The telephone was a continuation of the telegraph. Communication over the telephone broadened the range of people one could interact with. Though the telephone was good at communication, it led to creation and destruction of jobs. Messengers and telegraphs became unneccesary. The telephone changed the pace of business and made the world more accesible to all.
  • Edison invents the phonograph

    Edison invents the phonograph
    In 1877, Edison invented the phonograph, which was a machine with two needles, one for recording and one for playback. The phonograph played back what you spoke into it and recorded it, if needed. It even allowed soldiers to play muisc while in war to remind them of home!
  • The Brooklyn Bridge opens.

    The Brooklyn Bridge opens.
    The Brooklyn Bridge is a nice view for tourists. It also has an impact on those living in Brooklyn and Manhattan. The bridge solved the problem of the lack of housing in Manhattan as people are now able to live in their homes in Brooklyn and go quickly to their jobs in New York City. Today over 137, 500 vehicles drive the bridge daily and over a million people walk or bike across the Brooklyn Bridge annually.
  • Eiffel Tower

    Eiffel Tower
    The Eiffel Tower is a tourist attraction. It was built during the Industrial revolution. It has helped enhance an economic growth in France. It has appeared in numerous movies!
  • The Wright brothers make an airplane

    The Wright brothers make an airplane
    The airplane helped with transportation big time. It still does! We can now transport goods and people from continent to continent in hours.