Industrial Revolution

  • The steam engine is invented. It helped improve trains.

    The steam engine is invented. It helped improve trains.
    It helped improve trains.
  • The spinning jenny is invented. Made it easier and faster to make cloth.

    The spinning jenny is invented. Made it easier and faster to make cloth.
  • James Watt improves the steam engine. Powered the first trains, steamboats, and factories.

    James Watt improves the steam engine. Powered the first trains, steamboats, and factories.
  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin. Which saves time and money.

    Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin. Which saves time and money.
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph. This allows messages to be sent quickly over wire.

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph. This allows messages to be sent quickly over wire.
  • Elias Hwe invents the sewing machine. Clothes could now be made in factories and not just at home.

    Elias Hwe invents the sewing machine. Clothes could now be made in factories and not just at home.
  • Elisha Otis invents the elevator safety break. Prevents them from falling if a cable breaks.

    Elisha Otis invents the elevator safety break. Prevents them from falling if a cable breaks.
  • The Bessemer method forn processing steel is invented. Quiker and cheaper way to produce steel.

    The Bessemer method forn processing steel is invented. Quiker and cheaper way to produce steel.
  • Alfred Nobel creates dynamite. This helped with clearing paths to build things.

    Alfred Nobel creates dynamite. This helped with clearing paths to build things.
  • Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases. Created vaccines which helped people live longer.

    Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases. Created vaccines which helped people live longer.
  • Alexander Grahm Bell patents the telephone. This helped people communicate easier across the world.

    Alexander Grahm Bell patents the telephone. This helped people communicate easier across the world.
  • Rhomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp. He created a light bulb that lasted longer than all the others.

    Rhomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp. He created a light bulb that lasted longer than all the others.
  • Orville Wright makes the first powered airplane. This made it no longer powered by wind.

    Orville Wright makes the first powered airplane. This made it no longer powered by wind.