
By ashru
  • India gained independence from Britain

    India gained independence from Britain
    Mahatma Gandhi entered and started a movement against the British. Through non-violent and peaceful protests Gandhi's movement eventually to make the British that they needed to leave for their own best interest and India got independence.
  • Mahatma Gandhi was assasinated

    Gandhi was shot dead in Birla house as he was walking to an evening prayer.Nathuram Godse assasinated Mahatma Gandhi.
  • India became Republic

    After 100 years of british rule India got its freedoom from the british people.India become complletly a independent country.
  • Mumbai state is split

    To cut a long story short, after many ups and downs, finally in the year 1960, Bombay state was split into two states: Maharashtra and Gujarat. Bombay city.
  • India China War over border dispute begins

    The Sino-Indian War of 1962 is not a happy thing It is remembered for the embaresment of India's total defeat, the betrayal of Hindi-Chini-Bhai-Bhai and the devastating personal blow with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • Aug 1965, India-Pakistan War

    Pakistan attacks India over the status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. When Pakistani and Indian forces disputed territory along the border between the two nations. Hostilities intensified that August when the Pakistani army attempted to take Kashmir by force.
  • Laal Badhur Shashtri

    Laal Badhur Shashtri
    Former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri's son has demanded that the government should unravel the mystery of his father's death.
    Raising doubts about the dark blue spots and cut marks on the abdomen of his father's body after his death in 1966, Shastri's son Sunil asked, "When the postmortem was not conducted, then how the cut marks appeared?"
  • January 1966, Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister of India

    January 1966, Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister of India
    Indian prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri dies and Indira Gandhi daughter of Nehru becomes head of the congress party and prime minister of India.She was first female head of government to run a democratic country.
  • Bhopal Disaster

    An explosion at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, on this day in 1984, it takes to the worst industrial accident in history. At least 2,000 people died and another 200,000 were injured when toxic gas enveloped the city.
  • Rajiv Ghandi Assasination

    He was campaigning for the Congress Party on the second day of voting in the world's largest democratic election when a powerful bomb, hidden in a basket of flowers, exploded killing him instantly.