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India 1960's-2000's

  • Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru

  • Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

    Death of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
  • Second War with Pakistan

    India broke out in violence with Pakistan once again over Kashmir.
  • Second War with Pakistan

    India went to war with Pakistan over Kashmir.
  • New Prime Minister

    Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister.
  • New Prime Minister

    New Prime Minister
    Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi becomes prime minister.
  • Third War with Pakistan

    This battle was over the creation of Bangladesh.
  • Soviet Union Treaty

    India signed a twenty year peace treaty with the Soviet Union.
  • Third War with Pakistan

    Third war with Pakistan over creation of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.
  • Soviet Union Treaty

    Soviet Union Treaty
    India signed a twenty-year peace treaty with the Soviet Union
  • Political Problems

    Nearly 1,000 political opponents imprisoned and programme of compulsory birth control introduced.
  • Political Problems

    Nearly 1,000 political opponents imprisoned and programme of compulsory birth control introduced.
  • Indira Ghandi Assassination

    She was assassinated by Sikh bodyguards, following which her son, Rajiv, takes over.
  • Indira Ghandi Assassination

    Indira Gandhi was assassinated by Sikh bodyguards, which her son eventually becomes the leader of.
  • Gas Leak

    Gas leak at Union Carbide pesticides plant in Bhopal. Thousands were killed immediately, many more subsequently died or were left disabled.
  • Peace Keeping with Sri Lanka

    India deploys troops for peacekeeping operation in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict.
  • India pulls the troops back from Sri Lanka

    India pulls the troops back from Sri Lanka
  • Economic reform program begun by Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.

  • Hindu-Muslim Violence

    Hindu extremists destroyed a mosque in Ayodhya leading to a widespread violence between Hindus and Muslims.
  • Congress suffers worst ever electoral defeat as Hindu nationalist BJP emerges as largest single party.

  • Peace Declaration

    Vajpayee makes a trip to Pakistan to meet Premier Nawaz Sharif and to sign bilateral Lahore peace declaration.
  • Natural Disasters

    Natural Disasters
    Ginormous earthquakes hit the western state of Gujarat killing 30,000 people.
  • US involvement

    US lifts sanctions which it imposed against India and Pakistan after they staged nuclear tests in 1998. The move is seen as a reward for their support for the US-led anti-terror campaign.