Important moments

  • Moving to Ontario

    Moving to Ontario
    When I was 6 years old I moved from Manitoba Winnipeg. This is an important moment to me because I had to leave a lot of family behind and also change the school that I was going to.
  • Traveling to Greece

    Traveling to Greece
    When I was 7-8 years old for the first time I traveled to Greece. This is a significant moment to my life because it was my first time being on a plane and meeting family that I've never seen or talked to before.
  • Moving to Burlington

    Moving to Burlington
    Just a few years after I moved from Manitoba to Ontario Mississauga I moved to Burlington. This is significant to me because after making friends at my school in Mississauga I had to move again and make new friends.
  • Getting a Pet

    Getting a Pet
    In 2014 I got a pet dog. This is a significant moment to me because it was like getting a new family member.
  • Getting my first Phone

    Getting my first Phone
    When I was in late grade 8 my parents bought me a phone. This was significant to me because it opened a lot of options for communication in my life. My parents got me my phone since I was soon to be entering high school.
  • First day of High School

    First day of High School
    This was a significant moment in my life because it was a big change from elementary school. School also became harder along with a lot more work.