
Immigration During 1830-1850

  • Link to Lists

    CLICK HERE If you want to see a list og people that travelled to Australia,
  • Period: to


  • Economical Depression nationally in Australia

    Economical means something to do with profit/wealth/income
  • Immigration Schemes Attract

    British, Australian and other colonies are attracted to mainland colonies.
  • NSW Convicts Transportation No More

    The transportation of convicts to New South Wales has ceased to exist.
  • I think the Irish like Australia...

    300,000 Irish settlers begin to arrive to Australia, after their spuds go rotten.
  • New Zealand Independence

    New Zealand becomes independent and breaks away from the rule of New South Wales
  • South Australia is Popular

    Approximately 25000 immigrants travel to South Australia to settle in during 1841 to 1850
  • Victoria Attracts

    Attempts to attract immigrants from Van Diemen's Land to Victoria
  • Melbourne Adds Boost

    As Melbourne develops and grows as a civilization, more workers are needed. People from Britain and people from the Australian colonies, also from Tasmania, are attracted to Melbourne by immigration schemes during 1845 and 1846
  • Irish Servants

    4000 parentless Irish women were sent to become domestic servants, during the years 1848-1850. Unfortunately, they were mistreated by their employers, and passed away in poverty.
  • Representative Govnerment

    Representative Government allowed in South Austrlia, Van Diemn's Land and Victoria
  • Western Australian Convicts

    The beginning of convict transportation of Western Australia is aroused.
  • WA Convict Population Increase

    The start of 9720 convicts being sent to Western Australia is now.