
Immagration to colonial Australia

By 20755
  • Arrival of the first fleet

    Arrival of the first fleet
    The first fleet came to settle convicts because their jails were overcrowded
  • The Greek arrived

    The Greek came as the part of the first fleet colony
  • First German immagrants arrive in Australia

    First German immagrants arrive in Australia
    The Germans came to australia to start a new life and also the came to farm.
  • The spanish arrived in Australia

    The spanish arrived in Australia
    The spanish arrived in Australia for the gold rush.
  • Pacific Islanders

    Pacific Islanders
    The pacific islanders arrived as labours to the sugar cane farm.
  • Chines in Australia

    Chines in Australia
    To find employment as work was really hard to find in china.. and to lead a less stressful lifestyle. It was also the years the gold rush was happening, so they tried to earn more money this way.
  • Afgahns arrive

    Afgahns arrive
    The Afghans or Ghans were camel caravaners who worked in outback Australia from the 1860s to the 1930s. They also came as refugees.
  • French Arrive

    French Arrive
    The french came in scientific curiosity and for trade.
  • Irish arrive

    Irish arrive
    The irish cme because of the potato famine