Ime's Amazingly cool life

By ime377
  • Welcome to the world.

    Welcome to the world.
    Ime was born
  • A kids firs steps

    A kids firs steps
    Ime takes his first steps in the ninth of July 2001.
  • First day at pre school.

    First day at pre school.
    Ime goes to school for the first time.
  • First taste of death

    First taste of death
    Ime looses his aunt to cancer.Heis devastated because he was vey close to her.
  • First team

    First team
    Ime makes his first soccer team.
  • Amusement time

    Amusement time
    First time at an amusement park.
  • Moving

    Ime moves to Canada he is happy to go to a new land.
  • Graduating

    Ime graduates from elementry school
  • Bullied

    Ime is bullied for the first time.
  • Middle school here I come.

    Middle school here I come.
    Ime goes to middle school