Horacio Martinez P.7 - Indian Independence

  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Gossip about cow and pork grease on enfield riffle cartridges Sepoys. The sepoys march to Dehli and after fighting, they capture the city. This rebelion spread to Northern and central india.
  • Direct command

    The British Government take Direct comand of india.
  • Indian Congress

    Indian Congress
    Foundation of the Indian National Congress.
  • South Africa

    Gandhi travels to South Africa as a Lawyer.
  • Muslim League

    Muslim League
    Foundation of the Muslim League.
  • War Ends

    Indian troops return from war.
  • Rowlatt Acts

    Passing of the Rowlatt Acts.
  • Armistar Massacre

    Armistar Massacre
    Around 10000 Hindus and Muslims where in Armistar in a festival. About 400 Indians died and about 1200 where injured.
  • Civil Disobedience

    The Congress party endorsed civil disobedience to refuse to obey unjust law.
  • Gandhi for president!

    Gandhi is elected president of the Indian National Congress.
  • Salt Act

    Demonstration to defy the hated salt acts which only allowed people to buy salt from the government.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Gandhi and his followers walked 240 miles to the sea coast to get their own salt.
  • Dharasana Salt Works

    A non violent raid of a salt factory that ended in a massacre by English soldiers.
  • Gandhi goes to England

    Gandhi participates in the round table conference in England.
  • Government of India Act

    British power grants Indian self government. First movement toward gaining independence.
  • Independence

    India is granted self rule from Britain.