Holy Roman Empire ( Jimmy )

  • 1531

    Philip of habsburg

    Philip of habsburg
    During this interregnum, Philip became involved in events and was even briefly kidnapped in Bruges as part of the Flanders campaign in support of his demands for greater autonomy, which had been wrested from Mary of Burgundy in an arrangement known as Blijde Inkomst. . o Joyous Entry of 1477. Both sides came to terms in the Treaty of Senlis in 1531, which defused the internal power struggle, as both sides agreed to recognize Philip as prince the following year.
  • 1545

    Charlie of habsburg

    Charlie of habsburg
    Son of Philip and Maria Manuela
  • 1557

    Henry II

    Henry II
    Henry II of France, seeing himself surrounded by the Habsburg domains, decided to support the Flemish rebels, exploding the Italian wars between France and the Holy Roman German-Hispanic Empire.
  • Jan 31, 1561

    Catherine de Medici

    Catherine de Medici
    As regent, sends the Edict of Orleans in which the persecution of Huguenots in France is prohibited, which calms down the Protestants a bit.
  • 1565

    In Utrecht a meeting

    In Utrecht a meeting
    In Utrecht a meeting of nobles meets before the persecution of the Protestants by the Spanish, among them Luis de Orange, brother of Guillermo de Nassau.
  • 1566

    Meeting of nobles

    Meeting of nobles
    A meeting of nobles meets with Margarita de Parma as Governor of the Netherlands who request a withdrawal of the Spanish inquisition and respect for freedom of worship.
  • Queen Elizabeth I insisted on colonizing America

    Queen Elizabeth I insisted on colonizing America
    in an effort to break the German-Hispanic hegemony and through Phillip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe sent expeditions to the Outer Banks in northern Virginia (today North Carolina).
  • In the Netherlands the Gregorian calendar is adopted.

    In the Netherlands the Gregorian calendar is adopted.
    In the Netherlands the Gregorian calendar is adopted.
  • Queen Elizabeth I of England signs the execution of her cousin Mary Stuart

    Queen Elizabeth I of England signs the execution of her cousin Mary Stuart
    Queen of Scots for being involved in a plot against Queen Elizabeth. A week later, Mary Stuart is beheaded at Foteringhay Castle.
  • Plans begin for the invasion of the English Channel

    Plans begin for the invasion of the English Channel
    Of the English Channel with the Spanish navy's.
  • Death of Catherine de Medici

    Death of Catherine de Medici
    Catherine de' Medici dies so Henry III is free to make his decisions.
  • Mauricio de Nassau

    Mauricio de Nassau
    Takes the city of Breda hiding 68 of his men in a small boat to be able to go unnoticed the city walls
  • Queen of Scotland

    Queen of Scotland
    Anne of Denmark is crowned Queen of Scotland.
  • Henry IV tries to reach Paris

    Henry IV tries to reach Paris
    But fails as the Catholic League protects it. Even more so when the Duke of Parma arrives in Paris with a German-Spanish army
  • Francis Duque

    Francis Duque
    Francis, Duque of Guise, dies while besieging Orleans.