

  • Boycott of Jewish Shops

    Boycott of Jewish Shops
    +ordered by Goebells and Julius Streicher, in Nazi magazine Stürmer
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
  • Decree for the Reporting of Jewish-Owned Property

    +Jews had to declare property valued over 5000 Reichsmark
    +made it easier t osteal from jews
  • Polish Jew asassinates German diplomat

    Polish Jew asassinates German diplomat
    +murderer is 17 years old
    +in order to attract international attention to the 18.000 jews expelled from germany
    +nazi propaganda claiming this act was part of a jewish conspiracy
  • Kristallnacht (November Progrom)

    Kristallnacht (November Progrom)
    +following nazi propaganda, riots against jews start all over germany
    +nazis ordered police not to intervene with vandalism directed at jews
    +synagogues burnt, shops looted or destroyed
    +emmigration of jews often failed due to conservative neighbouring states +at least (prlly more) were murdered, thousands abused, and 30.000 put into concentration camps
  • Judenvermögensabgabe

    +JEws fined 1.12 billion Reichsmark as compensation for the damage done in the Kristallnacht
    +Insurance payments due were instead to be payed to the german state
  • Wansee Conference

    +"Final Solution to the Jewish QUestion"
    +Systematic deportation and killing of all Jews in Europe
    +Hitler approved, but never in written order
  • Stop of the Gassings

    +Heinrich Himler orders stop of gassings in Auschwitz
    +Facing the imminent defeat of germany and potential judgement