Hitler's Persecution of the Jews

  • First oficial boycott of Jewish shops, lawyers, and doctors.

    B) The boycott began at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 1st, 1933, and lasted only a day. Nazi Brownshirts stood at entrances to Jewish shops, department stores, professional offices and various places of business.
  • Issuing of the Nuremberg Laws to protect German blood and honor.

    B) The Nuremberg Laws caused confusion and debate over who was a "full Jew." The Nazis then issued instructional charts to help distinguish Jews from Germans of mixed race and Aryans.
  • Spring 1937; "Aryanization" of business.

    Spring 1937; "Aryanization" of business.
  • Destruction of Munich synagogue.

    B) This was followed by attacks on other synagogues all over Germany. A few hours before the order from Hitler was carried out, the heads of the Jewish community were officially given notice of the plans. Many members of the Jewish community worked throughout the night in order to remove the Torah scrolls and ritual objects from the synagogue.
  • "Crystal Night"

    "Crystal Night"
    When pogroms took place throughout Germany after murder of a Nazi official by a Jew. More then 20,000 Jews imprisoned. Jewish community fined 1.4 billion marks, plus cost of all property destroyed during program.
  • All Jewish pupils expelled from schools

    B) The segregated Jewish schools were finally closed on 7 July 1942, after the first wave of deportations of German Jews to the East had been completed.
  • Order to use German Jews as slave labor

    Order to use German Jews as slave labor
  • Evacuation of all Jews in German-occupied areas

    Evacuation of all Jews in German-occupied areas
  • Jews forced to wear Star of David

    Jews forced to wear Star of David
  • June 1942; Beginning of mass gassing

    German authorities begin deportations of Jews from the Krakow ghetto. By June 8, the Germans deport 6,000 Jews from the ghetto to the Belzec killing center.
  • Hitler declares publicly all European Jews will be destroyed

    Hitler declares publicly all European Jews will be destroyed
  • Auschwitz concentration camp liberated by Russian troops

    Soviet soldiers encountered 648 corpses and more than 7,000 starving camp survivors. There were also six storehouses filled with literally hundreds of thousands of women’s dresses, men’s suits, and shoes that the Germans did not have time to burn.