Hitler as a Chancellor and Hitler's dictatorship

  • Reichstag elections

    The Nazis were the largest single party (230 seats)
  • Chancellor

    Hitler demanded the post, but the President Hindenburg gave it to Franz von Papen. They used the emergency powers
  • November elections

    The Nazis were the largest party. However, they lost 2 million votes and started to run out of funds
  • Chancellor

    Kurt von Schleicher was chosen a the new Chancellor. Von Papen remained as Hindenburg's adviser
  • Weimar system of government

    Von Schleicher was forced to resign. The system of government wasn't working. Hindenburg was running Germany with emergency powers
  • Hitler as Chancellor

    Hitler as Chancellor
    Hindenburg gave Hitler the post so he could get support in the Reichstag and control the Communists
  • Hitler's dictatorship

    It was thought that by the summer of 1934, Hitler would become the supreme dictator of Germany
  • Police force

    Goering orderd local police forces to co-operate with the SA and the SS
  • The Reichstag fire

    The Reichsatg building was burnt down. Hitler blamed and arrested the Communists with the emergency powers. The fire's cause remains as a mystery
  • Emergency Decree

    Police could arrest suspects and hold them without trial. Hitler to take over regional governments
  • March elections

    Hitler called elections to get an overall Nazi majority in the Reichstag. He used the same tactics as in the previous elections but now he had the resources of the state media and control of the streets. The Nazis won more votes than ever
  • Propaganda

    Goebbels appoonted head for new Ministery for Propaganda. Took control of all media
  • Enabling Act

    Using the SS and SA, Hitler intimidated the Reichstag and won the Enabling Act, which allowed him to make laws without consulting the Reichstag. There was nothing anyone could do
  • "Alien elements"

    Civil Service administration, courts, and edutation purged of "alien elements" (e.g. Jews and other opponents of the Nazis)
  • Workers day

    Workers garanted May Day holiday. Hitler attracted workers by doing this
  • German Labour Front (DAF)

    Trade unions banned, all workers to belong to the German Labour Front (DAF)
  • Employment Law

    Major programme of public works to create jobs (e.g. road building)
  • New parties banned

    Law against the Formation of New Parties: Germany became a one-party state
  • Roman Catholic Church

    Concondat between the state and the Roman Catholic Church. Government protected religious freedom; Church banned from political activity
  • All state governments taken over

  • Period: to

    The Night of the Long Knives

    Hitler was suspicious of the SA leader, Ernst Röhm, and thought it was a potencial rival. The SS men murdered Röhm and 400 others, which included Chancellor von Schleicher. The SA remained as a Nazi paramilitary organization
  • Der Führer

    On death on Hinderburg, Hitler became Führer (Supreme Leader). German armed forces swore oath of loyalty to Hitler. He wanted to make Germany a military power again