History Timeline James Pritchard

  • Cap. James Cook claims Australia

    European sailors began entering Australian waters in the early 1600's. They called it Terra Australis Incognita which translates to unknown land of the South. On 22 August, 1770 Captain James Cook claimed all of the east coast of Australia for Great Britain.
  • American Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Indepence is a statement which announced that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves a seperate nation from the British Empire.
  • The First Fleet

    The First Fleet was made up of eleven ships which sailed from England to Australia led by Captain Arthur Phillip. The First Fleet was made up of six convict transports, three storage ships and two Royal Navy escort ships.
  • Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution started in the 18th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport and technology had a huge effect on life today.
  • Australian Gold Rushes

    Gold being found in Australia caused massive gold rushes in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia. This caused a major migration from countries around the world. Up to 3,000 metric tonnes of gold was thought to be mined in Australia between 1851 to 1900.
  • American Civil War

    The American Civil War waged from 1861 to 1865 and was fought between the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy). The main reason the war started was because of their different viewpoints on slavery. After more than 600,000 soldiers were killed the North finally won the war.
  • Slavery in the US is Abolished

    The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. It was passed by congress on January 31, 1865 and ratified on December 6, 1865. The United States President at the time Abraham Lincoln, played a huge role in abolishing slavery.
  • Ned Kelly Hanged

    Ned Kelly was an infamous Australian bushranger who was seen by some as a murderous villain and seen by others as a hero. At 11.10am, Ned Kelly was hanged at the Old Melbourne Gaol.
  • Federation of Australia

    Australia became an independent nation. British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Titanic Sinks

    At 11:40pm on her maiden voyage, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg that would eventually cause the ship to sink more than two hours later. More than 1,500 passengers lost their life, which was almost two thirds of all the people on board.
  • World War 1 Starts

    The initial spark that started World War 1 was the assasination of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by a Serbian national. Austria-Hungary then called on allies Germany to fight Serbia which had Russia, France and Great Britain as allies. On the 28th of July Austria-Hungary officaly declared war on Serbia.
  • End of World War 1

    By late 1918 Germany was running out of supplies, money and men. On November 11th, the Germans negotiated with the Allies for an armistice which was agreed to be on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day. The Versailles Treaty was then made which both German and Allied powers signed to officialy end World War 1.