History of White Australia

  • An Influx of Asian Immigrants came to Australia

  • Immigration Restriction Act

  • Prime Minister, William Morris Hughes, hailed it as 'the greatest thing we have achieved'. - White Australia Policy

  • 800 non-European refugees to stay by Minister Holt

  • non-Europeans with 15 years residence in Australia were allowed to become Australian citizens.

  • Migration Act

  • Minister Hubert Opperman announced

    migration would be accepted from well-qualified people on the basis of their suitability as settlers, their ability to integrate readily and their possession of qualifications positively useful to Australia.
  • Abolishing the 'White Australia' policy

  • Whitlam Labor government took three further steps in the gradual process to remove race as a factor in Australia's immigration policies.

    These were to:
    •legislate that all migrants, of whatever origin, be eligible to obtain citizenship after three years of permanent residence
    •issue policy instructions to overseas posts to totally disregard race as a factor in the selection of migrants
    •ratify all international agreements relating to immigration and race.
  • increase in the number and percentage of migrants from non-European countries

  • government commissioned a comprehensive review of immigration in Australia

    . Far-reaching new policies and programs were adopted as a framework for Australia's population development.