
History of theNative Americans

  • Reservation system is created.

    Reservation system is created.
    The federal governement has passed an act that designated the entire Great Plains as one enormous reservation, or land set aside for Native American tribes.
  • Government changed it's policy on Native American territories.

    Government changed it's policy on Native American territories.
    The government changed it's policy and created treaties that defined specific boundaries for each tribe.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek.

    Massacre at Sand Creek.
    The Massacre at Sand Creek takes place. Militia Colonel John Chivington and his troops led an attack on the Cheyenne tribe, killing over 150 inhabitants.
  • The Fetterman Massacre.

    The Fetterman Massacre.
    The warrior Crazy Horse ambushed Captain William J. Fetterman and his company at Lodge Trail Ridge. Over 80 soldiers were killed.
  • The Treaty of Fort Laramie.

    The Treaty of Fort Laramie.
    Skirmishes continued until the government agreed to close the Bozeman Trail. In return, the Treaty of Fort Laramie, in which the Sioux agreed to live on a reservation along the Missouri River, was forced on the leaders of the Sioux.
  • The Red River War.

    The Red River War.
    The Red River War took place. The U.S. Army responded by herding the people of friendly tribes onto reservations while opening fire on all others. Also on this date, Colonel George A. Custer reported that there was gold "from the grass roots down," in the Black Hills.
  • The Red River War.

    The Red River War.
    The Red River War took place. The U.S. Army responded by herding the people of friendly tribes onto reservations while opening fire on all others.
  • The Sioux were beaten.

    The Sioux were beaten.
    The Sioux were beaten. Sitting Bull and a few followers took refuge in Canada, were they remained until 1881.
  • Congress passed the Dawes Act.

    Congress passed the Dawes Act.
    Congress passed the Dawes Act aiming to "Americanize" the Native Americans.