History of the Byzantines

  • 324

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine capital

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine capital
    The city of Constantinople was built over six year by emperor Constantine I. He built his new city over the ancient city of Byzantium. It was built to be the geographic center of Byzantine.
  • 532

    The Nika Revolt

    The Nika Revolt
    The Nika Revolt took place during the early years of Justinian’s rule, when he was in the middle of a great reform of Byzantine. The main cause for the riots were the chariot races in Constantinople. The two sides “Blue” and “Green” fought constantly. Justinian punished both sides to make a point, this caused the sides to unit against Justinian , the rioters ran rampant for five days, Justinian ordered the army to fight. In the end nearly 30,000 people were killed.
  • 533

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns

    General Belisarius Military Campaigns
    Belisarius is a Byzantine general who is well known for his campaigns in recapturing western roman territory. He conquered the Vandals in North Africa and moved steadily northward taking territory after territory.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia completed

    Hagia Sophia completed
    The Hagia Sophia, also known as the Church of Holy Wisdom, was completed in 537. It is a massive dome shaped cathedral built in the Byzantine capital of Constantinople by emperor Justinian I.
  • 750

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
    By 750 the Islamic military had spread from Arabia and the Middle East into the eastern Byzantine empire, taking over other vast eastern territories, headed for the Byzantine empire.
  • 1014

    Emperor Basil ii militrary conquests in Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil ii militrary conquests in Bulgaria
    In the year 986 Basil ii was defeated at Trajan’s Gate a mountain pass in Bulgaria. He fled back to Constantinople, vowing to return he would wait 28 years to get revenge, after conquests elsewhere, Basil ii returned and decimated the Bulgarian army, capturing 15,000 men. He blinded the prisoners and sent them back in groups of 100 led by a one eyed guide.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The Great Schism was the split of the Eastern churche led by Micheal Cerularius, from the Western Churchled by Pope ix in 1054.
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll

    Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll
    The emperor of the Byzantine empire, emperor Alexios l sent to Pope Urban ll that they the Islamic army was in danger of over running the Byzantine empire, after they had already conquered almost all of Asia minor.
  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    The original purpose of the fourth Crusade was to recapture the city of Jerusalem that had been taken over by Islamic armies in the 7th century. Instead of invading Jerusalem the crusaders turned there attention to the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, where the crusaders broke through the walls and ransacked the city for three days. Before the were forced to stop.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    The Byzantine empire resisted invasion after invasion, they even regained control of Constantinople after it was taken over during the fourth Crusade. They could not hold up to the attack by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 or the cannons they brought with them.