Internet explorer

History of te internet and web sites

  • Sputnik

    The USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite
  • Baran

    RAND Paul Baran, of the RAND Corporation (a government agency), was commissioned by the U.S. Air Force to do a study on how it could maintain its command and control over its missiles and bombers, after a nuclear attack. This was to be a military research network that could survive a nuclear strike, decentralized so that if any locations (cities) in the U.S. were attacked, the military could still have control of nuclear arms for a counter-attack. Baran's finished document described several way
  • Honeywell minicomputer

    Honeywell minicomputer
    ARPA awarded the ARPANET contract to BBN. BBN had selected a Honeywell minicomputer as the base on which they would build the switch. The physical network was constructed in 1969, linking four nodes: University of California at Los Angeles, SRI (in Stanford), University of California at Santa Barbara, and University of Utah. The network was wired together via 50 Kbps circuits.
  • email created

    email created
    The first e-mail program was created by Ray Tomlinson of BBN.
  • Protocol invented

    Protocol invented
    Development began on the protocol later to be called TCP/IP, it was developed by a group headed by Vinton Cerf from Stanford and Bob Kahn from DARPA. This new protocol was to allow diverse computer networks to interconnect and communicate with each other.
  • "Internet"

    First Use of term Internet by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in paper on Transmission Control Protocol.
  • Ethernet created

    Ethernet created
    Dr. Robert M. Metcalfe develops Ethernet, which allowed coaxial cable to move data extremely fast. This was a crucial component to the development of LANs.
  • Packed satellite

    Packed satellite
    The packet satellite project went into practical use. SATNET, Atlantic packet Satellite network, was born. This network linked the United States with Europe. Surprisingly, it used INTELSAT satellites that were owned by a consortium of countries and not exclusively the United States government.
  • Steve Bellovin

    Steve Bellovin
    The USENET was created by a university graduate student, Steve Bellovin
  • CSNET 56 kbps network

    CSNET 56 kbps network
    National Science Foundation created backbone called CSNET 56 Kbps network for institutions without access to ARPANET. Vinton Cerf proposed a plan for an inter-network connection between CSNET and the ARPANET.
  • IAB created

    IAB created
    Internet Activities Board (IAB) was created in 1983.

    The ARPANET was divided into two networks: MILNET and ARPANET. MILNET was to serve the needs of the military and ARPANET to support the advanced research component, Department of Defense continued to support both networks.
  • T1

    National Science Foundation started it's own T1 lines which would be finished in 1988
  • created forum

    created forum
    IETF created forum for technology co-ordination
  • Combining

    Two major company's formed one because of the national science foundation
  • network updated

    network updated
    t1 is completed so network is updated
  • upgraded network

    upgraded network higher speed
  • network disconnected

    network disconnected
    one network is disconnected
  • www created

    www created
    world wide web created
  • windows

    windows 2009