
History of Special Ed Law Timeline

  • Period: to

    Increase in specialized classes for children with disabilities in the public schools

  • White House Conference on Children

    White House Conference on Children
  • Period: to

    Increase in oganized advocacy groups for persons with disabilities

    Cuyahoga County Ohio Council for the Retarded Child (1922)
    National Association for Retarded Citizens (1950)
    The Coucil for Exceptional Children (1922)
    The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (1974)
    United Cerebral Palsy Association (1949)
    The National Society for Autistic Children (1961)
    The National Association for Down Syndrome (1961)
    Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (1964)
  • Brown vs the board of education

    Brown vs the board of education
    In 1954, with the decision of Brown vs the Board of Education, the civil rights of Americans were forever changed when separate but equal was overturned. While this is known as a victory for African Americans from being treated as second class citizens, it was equally important for persons with disabilities because it established that separate but equal was not acceptable for the disabled either.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was instrumental in providing federal money to the states for education. The focus was not on those with disabilities, but those with disabilities did benefit because the laws stipulated that the money was to help the disadvantaged, which those with disabilities were.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Civil rights law that protected the rights of persons with disabilities from participating in activities that receive federal funding
  • Education for All Handicapped Child Act (EAHCA) of 1975

    Education for All Handicapped Child Act (EAHCA) of 1975
    In 1975 the Education for all Handicapped Children Act was the first federal act specifically targeting the education of students with disabilities. The act provided incentives for states to develop plans to educate students with disabilities and to execute those plans. The act defined the rights of handicapped students and provided federal funding to the states for educaton of students with disabilities and introduced concept of the Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
  • Period: to

    The Education of the Handicapped Amendments of 1986

    Provided grants to states to support infants and toddlers from birth to age three for disabilities
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act of 1986

    Handicapped Children's Protection Act of 1986
    Enabled parents of children with handicaps to collect attorney's fees incurred when they had to sue for their rights
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    Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) of 1990

    Renamed the EACHA act of 1975 to IDEA and added autism and brain injury to the list of disabilities
  • Americans with Disabilties Act

    Act that prevented individuals with disabilities discrimination based on that disability
  • Period: to

    The IDEA Amendments of 1997

    Delineated that the education of children with disabilities must have demonstrable improvements.
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

    Reauthorized the ESEA act of 1965, it dramatically added accountability to all public schools in the US, and it included children with disabilities in those accountability standards for each school
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004

    Added requirements that students with disabilities must be identified, IEP requirements, and special education certification requirements