
OT through the Decades

By swheat3
  • The 1940's

    The 1940's
    The 194o's marked an era of War, enconomic hardship, and technological advancements. World War II raged on during this time, taking with it more casualities than any war before it. On the homefront, women and children became the breadwinners and worked hard to not only support themselves, but also their boys at war. This decade increased a new need for OT for the soldiers coming home.
  • U.S. joins World War II

    U.S. joins World War II
    World War 2 was already in full swing before the U.S. joined their allies to fight against Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan. After the Japenese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941, President Franklin Roosevelt declared War.
  • World War II ends

    World War II ends
    The end of World War II brought many changes with it. America was considered a world power and its country began to prosper. This marked the beginning of the "baby boomer" era as soldiers returned home and re-engaged in their old jobs and homes.
  • AJOT first published

    AJOT first published
    The American Journal of Occupational Therapy is first published, with Charlotte Bone as editor, by the AJOT Publishing Company in Boston.
  • Jackie Robinson Plays his first major league game

    Jackie Robinson Plays his first major league game
    Jackie Robinson broke the color barrior in Americ'a favorite pastime, baseball. He would go on to set a legue record of 19 home runs!
  • the 1950's

    the 1950's
    The 1950's marked an era of incredible prosperity for the United States, as the country was stronger and more economically healthy than it had ever been! Winston Churchill commented on America's success saying " America at this moment stands at the summit of the world." Despite all of its succes, the 1950's begin to expose hidden racial divisions within American society, as the fight for civil rights for both black and whites would come to a head in this time period.
  • Amendment to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    Amendment to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act
    The Vocational Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1954 (P.L. 565) lists occupational therapy under its definition of services provided in rehabilitation facilities.
  • Brown vs. Board Of Education

    Brown vs. Board Of Education
    Segregation declared a violation of the 14th amendment, and public schools were ordered to integrate
  • Ruth A. Robinson becomes AOTA president

    Ruth A. Robinson becomes AOTA president
    Served as an Army OT in WWII, and was the chief of the Occupational Therapy Section of the Women's Medical Specialist Corp. Served as AOTA president from 1955-1958
  • First Eleanor Clark Slagle Lecture

    First Eleanor Clark Slagle Lecture
    AOTA establishes the Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship, for “some outstanding practicing occupational therapist who has made significant contributions to the field,” with the first lecture awarded to Florence M. Stattel in 1955
  • occupational therapy assistant job established

     occupational therapy assistant job established
    The job of Occupational Therapy Assisstant established, but would not be recognized by AOTA until 1958
  • The 1960's

    The 1960's
    The 60's was a decade of unrest, hippies, and the beginning of the Veitnam War. This decade saw many protests, assissinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King,and the race to the moon
  • "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan published

    "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan published
    This book exposed the frustration of housewives, and helped to spark a new movement for feminism in the 60's
  • AOTF established

    AOTF established
    AOTF was established to advance the science of the field and improve its public recognition.
  • Vietnam War begins

    Vietnam War begins
    Draft Lottery was reinstated and called upon men from ages 18-25 to join the War efforts. This was met with a lot of resistance and was highly criticised.
  • Martin Luther King leads March across the Selma bridge

    Martin Luther King leads March across the Selma bridge
  • Social Security Amendment Act of 1965

    Social Security Amendment Act of 1965
    The Social Security Amendment Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-97) establishes Medicare and Medicaid and specifically mentions occupational therapy under extended care services and home health
  • The 1970's

    The 1970's
  • Jean Ayers publishes book "Sensory Integration and the Child"

    Jean Ayers publishes book "Sensory Integration and the Child"
    Jean Ayers was an influential occupational Therapist in the 70's who was the first to research and develop the idea of integrated sensory processing.
  • Equal Rights Amendment Signed

    Equal Rights Amendment Signed
    Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. It reads: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of their sex.” This was a huge win for feminists everywhere.
  • The Rehabilitation of 1973

    The Rehabilitation of 1973
    This was the first legislative effort to secure equal rights for individuals with disabilities. This act helped provide the disabled with a wide range of services including physical restoration, counseling, and vocational training. This act also gave rise to the need for rehabilitation research.
  • AOTA supports State Liscensing

    AOTA supports State Liscensing
    AOTA supports state licensing for practicing occupational therapist. This ensured that only quality therapist would be provided a liscense to provide service!
  • Vietnam War Ends

    Vietnam War Ends
  • The Education Act for All Handicapped Children

    The Education Act for All Handicapped Children
    In 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was implemented by Congress. This act required all public schools accepting federal funds to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day for children with physical and mental disabilities.This was a huge step in the right direction for all students with special needs.
  • The 1980's

    The 1980's
  • First recognized case of AIDS in US

    First recognized case of AIDS in US
  • First Personal Computer released

    First Personal Computer released
  • GARY KIELHOFNER publishes 1st Edition of Model of Occupational Therapy

    GARY KIELHOFNER publishes 1st Edition of Model of Occupational Therapy
    This was the most evidence based model of practice in its time.
  • Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Act Passed

    Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Act Passed
    This was an amendment to the Education for All Handicapped CHildren act that included children (3-5) to be services through early intervention programs.
  • NBCOT formed

    NBCOT formed
    AOTA established the NBCOT to certify Occupational Therapist. This allowed membership with AOTA to be voluntary.
  • Technology related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilites Act 1988

    Technology related Assistance for Individuals  with Disabilites Act 1988
    increased access and funding to assistive technology for individuals with disabilities.
  • The 90's

    The 90's
    New technology and an colorful and vibrant pop culture define this era!
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Provided civil rights to ALL individuals with disabilites.
  • Education of All Handicapped Children Act passed

    Education of All Handicapped Children Act passed
    Children with disabilities were officially given the right to
    receive a free public education. The term Least restrictive environment (LRE) was coined and enforced.
  • World Wide Web launched

    World Wide Web launched
  • The first digital hand-size mobile telephone released

    The first digital hand-size mobile telephone released
  • AOTA published an article titled “Core Values and Attitudes of Occupational Therapy Practice”

    AOTA published an article titled “Core Values and  Attitudes of Occupational Therapy Practice”
    This document identified 7 core values that should define every OT. Altriusm, Equality, Freedom, Justice, Dignity, Truth, and Prudence.
  • Google Established

    Google Established
  • Y2K

    Also known as the year 2000 problem, people feared that computers and technology would not be able to make the switch to the new millennium. Many people prepared for an "end of the world" scenario
  • 2000's

    An era of patriotism and technology/ social media
  • Centennial Vision

    Centennial Vision
    "We envision that occupational
    therapy is a powerful, widely
    recognized, science-driven, and
    evidence-based profession
    with a globally connected
    and diverse workforce meeting
    society's occupational
  • September 11th Word Trade Center Attack

    September 11th Word Trade Center Attack
    This attack effected thousands of Americans lives within minutes.Two planes were flown into the twin towers in New York City and one attempted to fly into the pentagon. This was seen as a direct terrorist attack against the United States.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
    Gave students the right to not only the least restrictive enviorment, but also free and appropriate education that would be tailored to thier needs
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Vision 2025

    Vision 2025
    With 2017 completing the Centennial Vision, AOTA sought to expand the centennial vision to 2017 and beyond! The new vision for Vision 2025 is“Occupational therapy maximizes health, well-being, and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living.”