History of Russia

By cgw18
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Mongul Warriors Conquer Kievan Rus

    Mongul Warriors Conquer Kievan Rus
    During the 1200's, Kievan Rus was conquered by the mongul warriors. These Asian warriors caused Kievan Rus to loose much of it's power. After they conquered, many Slavs decided move northward.
  • Jan 1, 1480

    Ivan the Third rejects Mongul Rule

    Ivan the Third rejects Mongul Rule
    Ivan was the prince of Muscovy. During his time the Mongule Rule was still over the Russian people. Ivan decided it was time for a change. He declared independence in 1480. Ivan was sooned nicknamed Ivan the Great.
  • Jan 1, 1547

    Ivan the fourth declares himself a czar.

    Ivan the fourth declares himself a czar.
    In 1547 Ivan the Fourth declared himself a czar. Ivan ruled very harshly having secret police under his order doing whatever he wanted. Ivan soon gained a reputation as a terrible czar and was given a nickname: Ivan the Terrible.
  • Peter the Great's Reformation

    Peter the Great's Reformation
    Peter the Great became the czar of Russia in 1689. During this time Peter made very many changes during this period of time. Peter created a new miltary and stuctured a new goverment
  • Russia expands

    Russia expands
    In the 1700 Peter the Great was ruling over Russia. Peter wanted to create a water route for trade. He also wanted to increase Russian and European contact. Peter built a new capital very close to Europe. This new capital was called St. Petersburg. Because of this Russia empire expanded.
  • Napolean Bonapart invades Russia

    Napolean Bonapart invades Russia
    In 1812 Napolean lead his army into Russia's current captial Moscow. Napoleans army marched hundreds of miles before arriving at there destination. The Russians did everything in there power not to win this battle. In order to do this they had to burned down Moscow so the french would have nothing left to take.
  • Caucasian War

    In 1817 the Caucasian War took place. This war was an invasin of the Caucases by the Russian empire. The Russians were victorious in the end but the Caucasians put up a good fight and were hard to beat.
  • The Serfs are freed

    In 1861 Alexander freed the serfs from slavery. Even though the serfs were free they stilled lived in poverty. The serfs statred working in factories in the city. Cities became to crowded which cause comotion and riots.
  • Revolutuion in Russia

    In 1917 after World War One Nicholas the Second was blamed for there poor preformance. The goverment was over thrown and the czar was forced to step down from the thrown. Eventually Valdimir Lenin created a communist country.
  • Slavs Settle in Russia

    Slavs Settle in Russia
    The very first recorded history from Russia includes information in the Slavs. The Slavs were a tribe that settled along the rivers of Ukraine and Russia. The Slavs came from Eastern Europe and began a small trading system in a city called Kievan Rus.