Radio history

History of Radio

  • David E. Hughes

    David E. Hughes
    A British Scienctist and Musician, but he noticed that you coukd hear sparks culd be heard in the telephone so he created a carbon-based dector.
  • Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

    Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
    A German inventor who first proved electromagnetic waves by James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light, which helped im find the electromagnetic waves.
  • The Birth of Filming/ Tesla

    The Birth of Filming/ Tesla
    Nikola Tesla was a Sebrian American inventor, he also worked on electrical engineering, mechanical engeneering. Very well know for the Electricity System.
  • What did Radio help with?

    What did Radio help with?
    Radio helped with communication skills, and getting news out to the people faster. Along with telegraphing it was a major advance and it really helped with radio songs and fun entertainment for people to listen too.
  • Willam Crookes

    Willam Crookes
    A British cemist and physicist, but he also helped with radio, because he tried figuring out a way to find wireless teleography based on Heinrich's waves.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    Marconi was an Italian inventer, he also did electrical engeneering, and he is very good at long distance radio communication, along with having the idea of readio telegraphs.
  • Alexander Stepanovich Popov

    Alexander Stepanovich Popov
    Using and analyzing Herinrich's research Alexander creaes his first own radio reciever, which contained a Chorerer, whichis a signal detector.
  • Roberto Landell de Moura

     Roberto Landell de Moura
    A Brazilian Roman Catholic Priest and inventer he transmitted the human voice wirelessly from about 5 miles.
  • Reginald Fessenden

    Reginald Fessenden
    Reginald was a Canadian inventor who was known for inventing the radio-telephony, he also sends a transmittion over airwaves. which creates more things and advances the technology.
  • Broadcasting

    Charles David Herrold was an electronics intructor in California and he broadcasted a station. It used spark gap, technology but carried the human voice and later music.
  • Moblie Telephone Service

    Moblie Telephone Service
    AT&T commercialized the Moblie Telephone Service, then more and more people heardabout it and it got spreaded to different countries and more and more money was made off of Moble Telephone services, because people wanted to be able to communicae quicker.
  • First Digital Cellphone Created

    First Digital Cellphone Created
    In 1954 Regency company produced a pocket digial cellphone or flip phone, that could fit in the pcketof yiur vest on your shirt and for sure in your pant pocket.