
History of Radio

  • The Radio

    The Radio
    Previously known as the wireless telegraphy, and transmitted through ground, water, and train tracks. The electromagnetic waves were experimented by David Edward Hughes. Heinrich Edward Hughes accomplished the task of airborne electromagnetic waves in an experiment.
  • Heinrich Hertz

    Heinrich Hertz
    He was the first person to conlusively prove the exsistance of electromagnetic waves. He proved the theory by using engineering techniques to recive and transmit radio waves. The unit of frequency, or the hertz, was named after him.
  • The Black Crook

    The Black Crook
    Is concidered to be the first musical theatre. Came from a book written by Charles M. Barras. It was performed on Broadway multiple times.
  • David Edward Hughes

    David Edward Hughes
    Known for printing the telegraph, and the microphone. In 1878 he published his work on the sound of powered electronic sound pickups. Came across the radio waves nine years before they were ever spoken about.
  • Broadway theatre

    Broadway theatre
    The first musicals shown were Shakespeare, and ballad operas. Was located in New York, on Nassau street. They opened another one up in Williamsburg, Virginia also.
  • Edwin Armstrong

    Edwin Armstrong
    He invented many beneficial pieces of the radio that we still use today. Such as regenerator, frequency modulation, superheterodyne. Has been called, " the most prolific and influential inventor in radio history.
  • British Marconi

    British Marconi
    Was in communication with ships at sea. It opperated most of the American Telephone and Telegraph. They began broadcasting.
  • Guglielmo Marconi

    Guglielmo Marconi
    The inventor of the radio telegraph system, and won a Nobel Prize in Physics. Karl Ferdinand Braun falso won one for their contributions to the developement of wireles telegraphy. He aso was successful in making commercial radio by expanding on the work done by previous experimenters and physicists.
  • Charles David Herrold

    Charles David Herrold
    Constructed a broadcast station that used spark gap technology. Spark gap technology is two electrotides seperated by a gap filled with air. Soon changed the frequency from a human voice to music frequency.
  • Harold J. Power

    Harold J. Power
    He owned his own radio company called, American Radio and Research Company. It is the first continuous broadcast in the world. The broadcast started to be known for broadcasting on a daily schedule.
  • The Marconi Company

    The Marconi Company
    A British telecommunicationd and engineering company. Is the origionator of wireless long distance communication and mass media broadcasting. First began as the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company, before it underwent many changes.
  • Telecommunication

    Is an exchange of informaion between two or more people using technology. Uses channels to transmit information, or electrical signals. The use of wireless communications began in the 20th cenury.
  • The radio frequency

    The radio frequency
    Is the number of oocurences of repeating per unit time. Frequency is used in science and engineering. Is also known as temporary frequency which is the contrast to spacial and angular frequency.
  • Radio Waves

    Radio Waves
    Are an electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. Naturally occuring waves are made by lightning. Waves can have very high frequencies or very low frequencies.
  • Musical history

    Musical history
    Musicals have been around for a very long time, since the ancient times. It includes, acting, dialogue, and dancing. Are different from theatre because there isn't as much opera.