Areas of psychology

History of Psychology

By mroav
  • 2000 BCE

    Twenty-First Century

    Genetic researchers finish mapping human genes. Scientists hope to one day isolate the individual genes responsible for different diseases.
  • 1998 BCE

    Positive Psychology

    Positive Psychology
    Martin Seligman publishes Learned Optimism which foreshadows th "positive psychology" movement.
  • 1952 BCE

    Diagnostic and Statitical Manual of Mental Disorders

    Diagnostic and Statitical Manual of Mental Disorders
    The American Psychiatric Association publishes Diagnostic and Statitical Manual of Mental Disorders, an influential book.
  • 1939 BCE

    World War II

    World War II
    World War II provides many opportunities for psychologists to enhance the popularity and influence of psychology, especially in applied areas.
  • 1938 BCE

    The Behavior of Organisms

    The Behavior of Organisms
    B. F. Skinner publishes The Behavior of Organisms, wich describes operant conditioning of animals.
  • 1929 BCE

    Gestalt Psychology

    Kohler publishes Gestalt Psychology, which criticizes behaviorism and outlines essential elements of the Gestalt position
  • 1914 BCE

    World War I

    World War I
    During World War I, Yerkes and his staff develop a group intelligence test for evaluating U.S. military personnel, which increases the U.S. public´s acceptance of psychological testing.
  • 1913 BCE

    Behavioral Psychology

    Behavioral Psychology
    John B. Watson outlines the tenets of behaviorism in a Psychological Review article.
  • 1911 BCE

    Intelligence Test

    Intelligence Test
    Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon produce the first intelligence test.
  • 1905 BCE


    Ivan Pavlov begins publishing studies of conditioning in animals.
  • 1900 BCE

    Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis

    Sgmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams, his major theoretical work on psychoanalysis.
  • 1890 BCE

    The Principles of Psychology,

    The Principles of Psychology,
    William James, Harvard University philosopher and psychologist, publishes The Principles of Psychology, describing psychology as "the science of mental life".
  • 1879 BCE

    Psychology as a Science

    Psychology as a Science
    Wilhelm Wundt establishes at the University of Leipzig, Germany, the fisrt psychology laboratory, which becomes very important for psychology students from all over the world.
  • 1861 BCE

    Paul Broca

    Paul Broca
    Paul Broca, a French physician, discovers an area in the left frontal lobe of the brain that is critical for the production of spoken language. Now called Broca´s Area
  • 1848 BCE

    Phineas Gage

    Phineas Gage
    Phineas Gage suffers massive brain damage when a large iron rod accidentally pierces his brain, leaving his intellect and memory intact but altering his personality.
  • 1808 BCE


    Franz Joseph Gall, a german physician, describes phrenology, the belief that the shape of a person´s skull reveals mental faculties and character traits.
  • Wernicke

    Carl Wernicke, a German neurologist and psychiatrist, shows that damage to a specific area in the left temporal lobe disrupts ability to comprehend or produce spoken or written language.
  • Humanistic theories of self-actualization

    Abraham Maslow
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    Jean Piaget, clinical psychologist known for his pioneering work in child development