History of psychology

  • The origin of species

    The origin of species was published by Charles Darwin. It is a work of scientific literature which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology.
  • Broca's Area

    Paul Broca discovered an area in the left cerebral hemisphere that is important for speech production. This area is now known as Broca's Area and it is said to have founded neuropsychology.
  • Experimental psychology laboratory

    Wilhelm Woundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory at the university of Leipzig in Germany. This laboratory was directed dedicated to psychology.
  • Experimental psychology laboratory

    Stanley Hall opened the first experimental psychology laboratory in John Hopkins university in the USA. This helped mark the establishment of psychology in the U.S. and contributed to the further growth of the field.
  • APA

    APA stands for American Psychological Association and is a common referencing style in the social sciences. APA was created by Stanley Hall.
  • Psychoanalysis

    is defined as son of psychological theories and therapeutic techniques. The main idea of Psychoanalysis is the theory that people have unconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories.
  • IQ tests

    IQ test are a bunch of different testa that consist on, short-term memory, analytical thinking, mathematical ability. They where created Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon
  • Gestalt theory

    Wolfgang Köhler and Kurt Koffka came up with the the gestalt theory which was based on previewing reality in its simplest form. "Whole is more than sum of all the parts".
  • Behavioural Manifesto

    John B. Watson published the behavioral manifesto (Psychology as a behaviourist views it). The behavioural manifesto started to look at behaviour as an academic field of study.
  • Electroencephalography

    Hans Berger invented electroencephalography to record brain waves. This technique was used for recording and interpreting electrical activity n the brain.
  • The behavior of organisms

    B.F Skinner, an american psychologist who outlined behavioural therapy published the behavior of organisms.
  • PET scan

    PET scans were developed (positron emission tomography). PET scans help doctors see how the organs and tissues inside the human body are actually working.
  • Ethical Standards of Psychologists

    The ethical standards of psychologists were published by APA
  • The magical number seven plus minus two

    George Miller published the magical number seven plus minus two at the same time computers were invented. What happened was that both had to do with the capacity of memory.
  • FDA approval

    The FDA approved the drug lithium in order to treat depression and OCD.
  • The selfish gene

    The selfish gene sparked in the academic community because it talked about how behavior could be a form of evolution. It was seen as a reformulation of the theory of natural selection of Charles Darwin.
  • Standardized tests

    They were considered discriminatory because people with cognitive issues would have a disadvantage and the tests were racially and culturally biased.
  • Acts of meaning

    Jerome Bruner published Acts of Meaning. The effects on the global perspective were that the cognitive revolution led psychology from the deeper objective of understanding minds as a creator of meanings