History of Psychology

  • Cartesian dualism and beginning

    Cartesian dualism and beginning
    1. In the beginning humans have always percieved themselves as special in some way distinct from everythink.Psychology would never born unless we think ourselves in different way, This started by Rene Descarte in his idea of cartesian dualism means human have dual nature(mechanical and soul parts)
    2. John Locke and James Mills stated the idea of materialism(subjected by natural law)
      3.Empiricisme theory by Galvin and Paul Broca
  • Germany non psychologist

    Germany non psychologist
    1.Hermon Von state that issue related to the brain can be studied
    2.Ernst Weber explained about stimulus that may be used to study human behavior.
  • Freud

    1.Describe three parts of our psyche which are id, ego and superego those parts cause the inner conflict.
    2.He developped the idea that human is immoral and dard/crazzy
    3.He promoted that mental problem steemed from some unconsious inner conflict
  • Post Freud

    Post Freud
    1.Freud moved psychology to clinical psychology or study
    2.He develop theories about human behavior which result in Behaviorisme.
    3.The rise of comparison of the human brain as computer where r brain=hardware and thougths=software.
    4.Discovery of differents types of psychology which are social, cognitive and cross-cultural psychology also that of clinical which is positive psychology.
    5. Biolgical revolutional like proccessing of informatiom