History Of Psychology

  • Psychology was found by Wilhelm Wundth

    Psychology was found by Wilhelm Wundth
  • First American experimental research lab

    First American experimental research lab
    G.Stanley Hall opened the first American experimental psychology research lab.
  • Lightner Witmer

    Lightner Witmer
    Opened the first psychological clinic
  • William James

    William James
    William James published the most popular and well written book of Principles of Psychology. This book included the theories such as Evolutionary Psychology, Evolutionary fitness etc.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    A student of Wilhem Wundt’s, Edward B. Tichener published An Outline of Psychology. This book originated the two seperate names of Functionalist and Structuralist Psychology
  • APaP

    The American Psychoanalytic Association was founded.