Mental health insurance xl

History of Mental Health in America

  • "A Mind That Found Itself"

    "A Mind That Found Itself"
    Clifford Beers' LegacyAuthor Clifford Whittingham Beers' autobiography "A Mind That Found Itself" changed society's connotation of mental illness back in the early 1900's with his brutally honest account on living and coping with psychosis, a mental disorder. "A Mind That Found Itself" opened many doors for Beers and aided him in raising enough money to establish the Connecticut Committee for Mental Hygiene, also in 1908, transforming the views on the mentally ill indefinitely.
  • National Committee for Mental Hygiene

    National Committee for Mental Hygiene
    Clifford Beers' Change After ChangeThe Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene, established in 1908 by Clifford Beers expanded, forming the National Committee for Mental Hygiene. Picture Courtsey to Shorpy
  • National Mental Health Association

    National Mental Health Association
    Mental Health HistoryIn 1910, the National Mental Health Association, now know as Mental Health America, was responsible for helping children who are affected by mental illness. The NMHA created more than 100 child guidance clinics in the United States. These clinics were created to prevent mental illness as well as treat children who are mentally ill. Photo Courtesy to Survivors Art Foundation
  • First International Congress on Mental Hygiene

    First International Congress on Mental HygieneDelegates from different countries attended the first ever international gathering that discussed mental illness. Mental hygiene was discussed as well as care and treatment for those who were suffering from various mental disorders. It specifically helped open peoples eye to understanding that mental illness is an actual disease and certain measures need to be taken to help those who suffer from it.
  • National Mental Health Act

    National Mental Health Act
    National Mental Health ActPresident Harry Truman signed the National Mental Health Act on July 3rd of 1946. This act established the National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Thorazine

    ThorazineThorazine was the first antipsychotic medicine that was synthesized for mental illnesses such as schizophrenia back in the early 1950's.
  • Mental Health Study Act of 1955

    Mental Health Study Act of 1955.The eighty fourth congress passed a bill to improve mental health and public health of the people of this countryby establishing and expanding already existing programs.
  • The Community Mental Health Centers Act

    The Community Mental Health Centers Act
    The Community Mental Health Centers ActThe Community Mental Health Centers Act was established in 1964. It put money into the establishment of community mental health centers. These health centers were a more modern and progressive form of care and institutionalism for mentally ill patients. This Act was passed as a part of President John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. Photo Courtesy to When In Time.
  • Social Security Amendments of 1965

    Social Security Amendments of 1965
    Joint Commission on the Mental Health of ChildrenThe Social Security Amendments were passed by President Lyndon Johnson in the year of 1965 which, although it is about social security, it had a provision that provided a framework for a Joint Commission on the Mental Health of Children. This commission would help children find means of help for mental disorders.
  • "Only Human"

    Newspaper Clipping; "Only Human"Mental Health America, formally known as The National Mental Health Association, produced the 28 minute film "Only Human." After production, they launched the film on more than 150 TV stations. The point of "Only Human" was to show the world what mental illness actually was while improving understanding and acceptence of the disorder.
  • President's Commission on Mental Health

    President's Commission on Mental Health
    President Jimmy Carter passed the Commission on Mental Health on February 17th of 1977. Establishing the commission would make the issue of mental health of a greater importance. The job of the commission was to review the mental health status of the people of this country and make reccomendations to the President on how to fix these rising issues.
  • Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981

    Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981
    President Ronald Regan signed this act, repealing the Mental Health Systems Act. "With the repeal of the community mental health legislation and the establishment of block grants, the Federal role in services to the mentally ill became one of providing technical assistance to increase the capacity of State and local providers of mental health services."
  • Americans with Diabilities Act

    Americans with Diabilities Act of 1990
    The Americans with Diabilities Act was passed to absolutely prohibit discrimination in any form against those with physical and mental disabilities.
  • Mental Health Parity Act

    Mental Health Parity Act of 1996The Mental Health Parity Act which was established in 1996 was passed to require insurance companies to provide the same types of coverage for mental health issues, providing, in a sense, mental health benefits to their coverage.
  • Real Men. Real Depression. Campaign

    Real Men. Real Depression. Campaign
    Real Men. Real Depression.On April 1st in the year of 2003, the campaign Real Men. Real Depression. was launched. This campaign was started to inform men about depression and the statistics of how many men, specifically, mental illnesses effects. This campaign was to create awareness in men on the symptoms of depression as well as care.
  • Mental Health America

    Mental Health America
    Mental Health AmericaBeers founded the Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene in 1908, which would expand a year later to form the National Clifford Beers' Committee for Mental Hygiene lead to the National Health Association which eventually was renamed and became Mental Health America on November of 2006. The Committee was the predecessor to the National Mental Health Association, which later became Mental Health America on Nov. 16, 2006.
  • Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2008

    Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2008
    The Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 expanded federal requirments for mental health insurance coverage. This means that insurance companies that chose to cover mental illness had to now coverage mental health in the same way they covered physical health.