History of Georgia:Jada White

  • Period: to

    History Of Georgia

  • Charter or 1763

    The charter of 1732 was a document that created Georgia. King Geargia granted the Charter. The Charter said the 3 reasons for creating Georgia were
    ~for charity
    ~for the economics
    ~for defense
    They banned black people,lawyers,andcatholics from coming to Georgia.It put The Trustees in charge of Georgia at the time. They couldn't have land,be in polotics,or earn a paycheek when they were doing the part as a trustees
  • The Founding of Savannah

    Savannah The first city that was founded in Georgia was Savvanah.James Olegathorpe founded this city.The ship he arrived in was called
    "Ann".The indian cheif that gave them permission to land on Yamacruff bluff was named Tomochichi,the way they communicated was by a women name Mary Musgrove.
  • Founding Ebenezer

    EbenezerThe Salzburgers estabilished Ebenezer.The moved from their home because they were expelled by the catholics because they were protestants.
  • Founding of Darien

    Founding of Darien
    Highland Scotts Thewscotish Highlanders established Darien.They were invited here to defined the country.
  • The Battle of Bloody Marsh

    James Ogle thrope led the english to victory and the French helped them win against the Spanish in Florida. This battle was important because it told the Sapnish not to come and mess with Georgia anymore.
  • Georgia Becomes A Royal Colony

    The Royal ColonyI forgot the name of the colonist,but I know that they complained about how they couldn't have slaves and drink rum/achool. The trustees became in charge when Georgia became a royal colony.
    The governers in order is
    ~John Reynolds, the first royal governor of Georgia
    ~Henry Ellis, established a sound foundation for government during his four-year administration.
    ~James Wright, who replaced Ellis in 1760