
History of DNA

  • Charles Darwin Published On the Origin of Species and Proposing Continual Evolution of Species.

    Charles Darwin Published On the Origin of Species and Proposing Continual Evolution of Species.
    www.genome.gov Charles Darwin wrote these book to show the developing about evolution by natural selection for decades. He built this book from his ideas taken the last five years.
  • Mendel's Peas

    Mendel's Peas
    www.genome.gov The Mendel's peas experiment was used to show how people noticed the similaries between parents and offspring. Gregor Mendel used his experiments with the peas to show the heredity that is shared.
  • Rediscovery of Mendel's Work

    www.genome.gov The three Europeans scientists worked on a different plant hybrids when they each worked out the laws of inheritance.
  • Orderly Inheritance of Disease Observed

    www.genome.gov Archibald Garrod studyed the disease alkaptonuria and he learned it was inherited according to Mendelian rules.
  • One Gene, One Enzyme

    www.genome.gov\ George Beadle had spent two years in T. H. Morgan’s lab at Caltech studying genetics by experimenting on fruit flies as a model organism.
  • X-ray Diffraction of DNA

    www.genome.gov A British scientist named William Astbury made the first X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA.
  • Genes are Made of DNA

    www.genome.gov Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase showed the study of only the DNA of a virus could to enter a bacterium to infect it. This experiment strongly support the research about the topic that genes are made of DNA.
  • DNA Double Helix

    www.genome.gov Francis Crick and James Watson both discovered the DNA Double Helix. They wanted to solve the chemical structure of DNA.
  • mRNA Ferries Information

    www.genome.gov The scientists Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, and Matthew Meselson discovered the mRNA. That is the molecule that takes information from DNA in the nucleus.
  • Genetic Code Cracked

    www.genome.gov/25520300 Khorana and Nirenberg,won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
  • First Recombinant DNA

    http://www.genome.gov/25520302 The first production of recombinant DNA molecules, using restriction enzymes, occurred in the early 1970s. Recombinant DNA technology is the joining of DNA from different species. That is instered into the hybrid DNA into a host cell which is often a bacterium.
  • First Animal Gene Cloned

    www.genome.gov The first cloning experiment was performed in Stanford and UCSF researchers segment. They used DNA containing a gene from the African Clawed Frog.
  • GenBank Database Formed

    www.genome.gov The NIH’s genetic sequence database was formed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Scientists made DNA sequence data from a wide range of organisms.
  • First Disease Gene Mapped

    http://www.genome.gov/2552032 Genetic marker linked to Huntington disease was found on chromosome 4. The first genetic disease mapped using DNA polymorphisms.
  • Launch of the Human Genome Project

    http://www.genome.gov/25520329 The Human Genome Project officialy started in 1990. Usefulness of mapping and sequencing the human genome. became known and useful.
  • ESTs, Fragments of Genes

    http://www.genome.gov/25520332 An expressed-sequence tag (EST) is a stretch of DNA sequence. That is made by copying a portion of an mRNA molecule.
  • Ban on Genetic Discrimination in Workplace

    http://www.genome.gov/25520374 The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission extended workplace protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act to cover discrimination based on genetic information.
  • International Strategy Meeting on Human Genome Sequencing

    http://www.genome.gov/25520377 The first international meeting on human genome sequencing made people from the countries in Europe, North America, and Asia to come together for the funding of human genome sequencing projects.
  • Bermuda Meeting Affirms Principle of Data Release

    http://www.genome.gov/25520385 The HGP meeting on large-scale sequencing strategy took place in Bermuda. The HGP researchers made public release of genome sequence data.