Timeline computers 1950.era1101

History of Computers

  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Like the Volkswagen Beetle and modern freeway systems, the Telex messaging network comes out of the early period of Germany’s Third Reich. Telex starts as a way to distribute military messages, but soon becomes a world-wide network of both official and commercial text messaging that will persist in some countries into the 2000s.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Belgian Paul Otlet has a modest goal: collect, organize, and share all the world’s knowledge. Otlet had co-created a massive “search engine” starting in the early 1900s.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    In 1939, Bell Telephone Laboratories completes this calculator, designed by scientist George Stibitz.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    The Z3, an early computer built by German engineer Konrad Zuse working in complete isolation from developments elsewhere, uses 2,300 relays, performs floating point binary arithmetic, and has a 22-bit word length.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    One of the first commercially produced computers, the company´s first customer was the US Navy
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    At MIT, researchers begin experimenting with direct keyboard input to computers, a precursor to today´s normal mode of operation.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    The Control Data Corporation (CDC) 6600 performs up to 3 million instructions per second —three times faster than that of its closest competitor, the IBM 7030 supercomputer
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    While the US government had funded many computing projects dating back to the 1940s, it wasn't until the Carter administration that a computer is actually installed in the White House.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Shortly after delivery of the Atari VCS game console, Atari designs two microcomputers with game capabilities: the Model 400 and Model 800. The 400 served primarily as a game console, while the 800 was more of a home computer.
  • Hisotry of Computers

    Hisotry of Computers
    Lisa is the first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI). It was thus an important milestone in computing as soon Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh would soon adopt the GUI as their user interface, making it the new paradigm for personal computing.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Compaq beats IBM to the market when it announces the Deskpro 386, the first computer on the market to use Intel´s new 80386 chip, a 32-bit microprocessor with 275,000 transistors on each chip.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Acorn's ARM RISC microprocessor is first used in the company's Archimedes computer system. One of Britain's leading computer companies, Acorn continued the Archimedes line, which grew to nearly twenty different models, into the 1990s.
  • History of Computers

    History of Computers
    Building a computer into the watch form factor has been attempted many times but the release of the Apple Watch leads to a new level of excitement.