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History of Computers

  • Typewriter

    The typewriter was patented by William Austin Burt. This was the first typing machine made. Though it started out slow and clumsy, it was the beginning step to typing on a computer.
  • Boolean Logic

    Boolean Logic
    George Boole introduces the idea of Boolean Logic. This will become the basis of computer logic.
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Konrad Zuse invents the first freely programmable computer.
  • Computer Mouse

    Computer Mouse
    Douglas Engelbart; creator of the computer mouse and Windows. With the mouse, it allowed people to click and find their destination easily. Now, more people were able to find their way around a computer much faster.
  • ARPAnet

    The first original internet. This would later become more familiar to the public. Internet access would allow people to make more connections, find new information, and countless other possibilities.
  • Intel 4004 Microprocessor

    Intel 4004 Microprocessor
    The world's first microprocessor was introduced by Hoff and Mazor Faggin. This invention would help in the processing of computer data.
  • First Consumer Computers

    First Consumer Computers
    Computer products were introduced to the public. This allowed more people to become familiar with computers. Soon, computers would become a part of everyday living.
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    The "Clamshell", one of the first laptops created. This was designed by William Moggridge. Laptops were smaller, slimmer, and less builky. This design revolution would later influence how computers would look in the future.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The first home computer to have a GUI (graphic user interface). Now with computer graphics, it allowed even more users to figure out how to use a computer. Not everyone had to be a computer programmer to use one.
  • A New Way of Living

    A New Way of Living
    Over half of all Americans claimed to have internet access. Computers had been a scary, big, and unfamiliar object in the past. Now, increasing numbers of people are using computers in their daily living.