
History of Birth Control

By Jen W
  • Jan 1, 1000

    1550 B.C. -- Early Contraceptives

    1550 B.C. -- Early Contraceptives
    Eggptian woman receive information to mix dates, acacia, and honey into a paste that prevents pregnancy (Time, 2010).
  • Jan 1, 1400

    15th Century -- Chastity Belt

    15th Century -- Chastity Belt
    During the 15th century, women start to wear chastity belts. Women who wear chastity belts are kept pure because it physically prevents them from having sex (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1700's -- Use of Condoms

    1700's -- Use of Condoms
    The famous womanizer, Casanova, writes about the use of condoms in order to prevent pregnancy. He refers to condoms as the "English riding coat" (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1844 -- Invention of vulcanized rubber

    1844 -- Invention of vulcanized rubber
    Charles Goodyear invents the technology to vulcanize rubber, which leads to the mass production of rubber condoms (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1873 -- Comstock Act

    1873 -- Comstock Act
    Congress passes the Comstock Act, which makes it illegal to send contraceptive devices or information through the mail (Cornblatt, 2009). At this time, the U.S. is the first Western country to prohibit contraceptions (Time Magazine, 2010).
  • 1916 -- First family planning center opens

    1916 -- First family planning center opens
    Margaret Sanger opens up the first clinic for family planning in Brooklyn. A few days later it is shut down (Time Magazine, 2010).
  • 1921 -- American Birth Control League

    1921 -- American Birth Control League
    Margaret Sanger starts the American Birth Control League, which eventually becomes Planned Parenthood (Conrblatt, 2009). She is also the woman who started the phrase "birth control" (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1951 -- Development of "the Pill" begins

    Margaret Sanger asks Gregory Pincus to research the idea of hormones in contraceptives (Time Magazine, 2010).
  • 1960 -- "The Pill"

    1960 -- "The Pill"
    The FDA announces its approval of Envoid in preventing pregnancy. However, Envoid was available beginning of 1957 for women who had problems with menstruation or infetility (Time Magazine, 2010).
  • 1965 -- Griswold vs. Connecticut

    1965 -- Griswold vs. Connecticut
    The U.S. Supreme Court denied the Conneticut law stating that the use of contraceptives is prohibited for married women. "The case established the 'right of privacy' of married couples to plan their sex and family lives as they saw fit" (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1973 -- Roe vs. Wade

    1973 -- Roe vs. Wade
    The U.S. Supreme Court legalizes the ability for a woman to have an abortion. However, even after the ruling on Roe vs. Wade, there has still been many protesters and controversies over abortion (Cornblatt, 2010).
  • 1976 -- FDA approves IUDs

    1976 -- FDA approves IUDs
    Even though IUDs were being used since the early 1900's, the FDA approves IUDs in 1976.
  • Period: to

    1992-2002 -- FDA approves several other forms of Birth Control

    Between the years of 1992 and 2002, the FDA approves various forms of birth control including: the hormone shot, female condom, the patch, NuvaRing, and Plan B (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1996 -- Welfare Reform Act

    1996 -- Welfare Reform Act
    In 1996, the Welform Reform Act is passed in order to help stop welfare. Under this act, millions of dollars are spent to educate kids about abstinence for the first time (Cornblatt, 2009).
  • 1998 -- FDA approves Viagra

    In 1998, Viagra is approved by FDA. After a few months, most insurance plans covered Viagra. This leads to many angry women and lawsuits because at this time "the Pill" is not covered. Before Viagra, "the Pill" did not receive much public attention for not being covered on insurance plans (Stabile, 2005).
  • 2000 -- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that companies that provide health insurance must cover insurance for prescribed birth control. If the an employer did not, then they are in "violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents discimination on the basis of sex" (Baumann, 2012). This law occured during President George W. Bush's term (Baumann, 2012).
  • 2010 -- Healthier Women

    46,000 women are studied over the past 40 years. Research has discovered that women who use "the Pill" "live longer and are less likely to die prematurely of all causes, including cancer and heart disease" (Time Magazine, 2010).
  • 2012 -- President Obama's Health Reform

    2012 -- President Obama's Health Reform
    Under President Obama's health care reform law, most insurance companies are required to cover preventative health care for women (Pear, 2012).