History & Me

  • School Shooting in Columbine High School

    School Shooting in Columbine High School
    Two teenage boys go on a killing spree through their school in Jefferson County, Colorado. Murdering 12 students and one teacher.
  • Born

  • My First Tooth Comes Out

    My First Tooth Comes Out
    My first tooth comes out when I'm four months old, not sure of the actual date.
  • Maki(brother) was born

    Maki(brother) was born
    My first baby brother was born on August 9, 2001. I was 2 and a half years old at the time.
  • 9/11 Twin Towers collapse

    9/11 Twin Towers collapse
    It was a day of caos in America as the Twin Towers in New York fell down when planes were taken over by terrorists and crashed into the buildings, Many lives were killed and firefighters and police men died on the job also.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    I went to my first day of nursey school at St. Demetrios when I was two years old.
  • Angelo(brother) was born

    Angelo(brother) was born
    My second younger was born on January 20, 2004. I was 5 years old.
  • Hurricane Katrina causes horrible to Florida and the Gulf Coast

    Hurricane Katrina causes horrible to Florida and the Gulf Coast
    Hurricane Katrina caused much damage to Florida and the Gulf Coast. It was first catagorized as a category 1 storm just north of Miami but just four days later hit the Gulf Coast by Lousiana.
  • Went to Greece

    Went to Greece
    I went to Greece to visit my family and see the country.
  • Osama Bin Laden Killed

    The elleged leader of the group that caused the twin towers to collapse on September 11th of 2001. He was killed May 2, 2011.
  • First Day at Maine South High School

    First Day at Maine South High School
    I graduated middle school in June and went to my first day of high school in the end of August at Maine South.