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History Ancient Civilization II

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1000 BCE


    Most historians agree that the Greeks started their civilization on Crete ( editors). The first significant step toward establishing their capital was at Knossos, which is now known as Knossos. During the early 20th century, archaeologist Arthur Evans unearthed the ruins of a palace that was built by King Minos of Knossos.
  • 1500 BCE

    Eastern wold of china

    Eastern wold of china
    China's ancient history is not recorded until around 1500 B.C and its major dynasties are divided into several eras( Editors). The most notable period is the Shang dynasty, which ruled from 1500 to 1027 B.C.
  • Period: 1300 BCE to 2200 BCE


    Some historians believe that India's first civilization was at around 2,500 B.C but it is now widely believed that the Indus civilization lasted from 1300 to 2200 B.C ( Editors). At one point, the Indus civilization moved from the coast up to the Himalaya foothills.
  • 750 BCE


    The legends about Rome's history can vary widely ( Editors). One of them relates to the city's founding by the twin brothers Romulus and Remus.
  • 650 BCE


    The only other Greek city-state that didn't join the Greek colonization was Sparta ( Editors). It was a militaristic and authoritarian society that was interested in war more than trading. The Spartans also made serfs of the native people.
  • Period: 460 BCE to 429 BCE

    golden age of greece

    Pericles led Athens from 460 to 429 B.C during what is regarded as the city's finest hour, when it produced a great amount of culture ( Editors).
  • 433 BCE

    the Peloponnesian War

    the Peloponnesian War
    The rivalry between Athens and Corinth began in 433 B.C ( Editors). When Corinth attacked Corcyra, it was angered by the inhabitants' revolt in the northwest Aegean, which diverted Athens' attention from its trade routes. This led to Athens' embargo on the produce of Megara. The Athenians would later go to war against Corinth.
  • 180 BCE

    Early rulers of the empire

    Early rulers of the empire
    After Augustus, various men ruled the Roman Empire ( Editors). Some were good rulers, while others were bad. The empire was strong enough to survive the incompetence of some of its rulers.
  • Period: 180 BCE to 476 BCE

    the empire

    For over a decade, Rome was ruled by Mark Antony and Octavian ( Editors). At one point, Antony and Cleopatra conspired against each other, leading to Mark Antony's suicide. After Octavian defeated them, he was given the title of Augustus Caesar.
  • Period: 180 BCE to 476 BCE

    The decline of the empire.

    Marcus Aurelius was a strong leader who was well-liked by the Roman people ( Editors). After his death, the empire was again unstable. His son Commodus was not a strong leader and, despite being named emperor, he was not able to control the military.