
By XabiQC

    The Encyclopédie was a serie of books that were published between 1751 and 1772
  • Industrial Revolution Beggining

    Industrial Revolution Beggining
    Industrial revolution began in Great Britain. In this time, new machines appeared like the Watt's steam engine and a new economic sistem was created(capitalism). It was created a new for to produce products and the social classes change.
  • Watt's steam engine

    Watt's steam engine
    The steam engine was created by James Watt. This invention use power if steam to generate continuous movement.
  • US Independence

    US Independence
    The independence of the United States was in 1776. This stated the duty of a government to respect the inalienable rights of its people.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    In 1789 a revolution began in in France. The Third State, specially the bourgeoise were disappointed with the government, and a meeting in Versailles was the last straw to the beginning of the revolution.
  • Napoleon Empire

    Napoleon Empire
    The Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte began in 1804 and finished in 1815. It was a period of war. In his conquests, Napoleon defeated a lot of European monarchies, but he was defeated in 1815, and he was exiled in the island of Saint Helena.
  • Spanish-American Independence

    Spanish-American Independence
    The crisis of the Ancien Régime in Spain coincided with the independence movement of the American colonies. Uprisings were organised by the criollo bourgeoisie who saw Spain as an obstacle to the development of their economy.
  • The war of Independence

    The war of Independence
    The war of Independence was an armed conflict between the Napoleon's army and the spanish people. This war was caused by the invasion of Spain by Napoleon.
  • Luddism

    This was a movement wich consinted of the violent destruction of machinery in the belief that it was responsible for low wages and uneployment.
  • The Constitution of Cádiz

    The Constitution of Cádiz
    The first constitution of Spain known as "La Pepa" was drafted in the Cortes of Cádiz in 1812. This Constitution established the national sovereignty, the separation of powers, universal male suffrage and recognised broad individual freedom.
  • Ferdinand VII

    Ferdinand VII
    Ferdinand VII was the king that restorates the absolutism in Spain. In 1820 the liberal trienium began, but in 1823 the Holly Alliance helps Ferdinand VII to restore absolutism.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was a meeting between the powers who defeated Napoleon. They wanted to stop the liberal ideas and restore absolutism in Europe.
  • Revolution of 1820

    Revolution of 1820
    This was a serie of liberal and nationalist revolts wich take part in Spain.
  • The Liberal Triennium

    The Liberal Triennium
    In 1820, a pronunciamiento led by Coronel Rafael del Riego was successful, and the king was forced to reinstate the Constitution of 1812. The National Militia was created to defend the Constitution and oppose absolutism.
    Later, the Holly Alliance sed trops to Spain to help the king and they restored the absolutism.
  • First Trade Unions

    First Trade Unions
    This unions united workers in the same field, such as the Union of Spinners.
  • Stephenson locomotive

    Stephenson locomotive
    This locomotive use a steam engine to generate continuous motion of the wheels.
  • Revolution of 1830

    Revolution of 1830
    This was a movement that bagan in France when Charles X, the absolute monarrh who succeeded Louis XVIII a few years after the fall of Napoleon, was overthrouwn in July 1830.
  • Isabella II

    Isabella II
    Isabella II sucessed his father, Ferdinand VII, in 1833. In this moment she was under-age so she didn´t began to reign until 1843.
  • Revolution of 1848

    Revolution of 1848
    This revolutions were called "The Spring of Nations". There was a lot of revolts in many countries of Europe againist the absolutism and and suporting the ideas of liberalism and nationalism.
  • Communist Manifiesto

    Communist Manifiesto
    The Communist Manifiesto is a book that agroup the ideas of Marxism. It was writed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
  • First International

    First International
    It was the union between the marxists, anarchists and trade unions. Later, they have a lot of ideological differences between them and it split in 1876.
  • Italy unification

    Italy unification
    In 1870 the Papal States were annexed by Italy, The newly unified state established its capital in Rome.
  • German unification

    German unification
    Prussia was victory in the wars, making the unification of Germany possible. In 1871, Wilhem I was proclaimed Kaiser of the Second German Empire.
  • I Republic

    I Republic
    The first republic in Spain was a short period of time between 1873 and 1874 where Spain was a state without a king. The first republic starts as a consequence of the victory of the federal republicans in the elections.
  • The Bourbon Restoration

    The Bourbon Restoration
    The bourbon restoration was the return of the royal family to spain.
    The Bourbon family began when General Martínez Campos proclaimed Alfonso XII king of Spain.
  • Boody Sunday

    Boody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was the series of events on Sunday in St Petersburg. When unarmed demonstrators, led by Father Georgy Gapon, were fired upon by soldiers of the Imperial Guard as they marched towards the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The Balkan Wars were a serie of wars between the Ottoman Empire, Greece, Bulgary, Montenegro and Serbia.
  • First World War

    First World War
    Also called the Great War, the WW1 was the first conflict that involve a lot of countries around the world. This war took place in Europe.
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    It was the first revolt of the Russian Revolution. In this revolution Tsar Nicholas II abdicated and a new provisional government was established.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    In this second revolt of the Russian Revolution known too as The Bolsheviks Revolution was a revolt in wich bolsheviks took the power lead by Lenin.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    It was a agreement between Germany, Bulgary, Austro-Hungary Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Russia in which russia ceded land in exchange for aid.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty signed at the end of the war. This agreement impose heavy taxes to Germany and try to stop any intention of revenge.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations was a organism created after the Treaty of Versailles that try to establish the bases for peace and the reorganization of international relations once the First World War ended.
  • Second world war

    Second world war
    The second world war was a armed conflict between european countries an later another countries around the globe. It was an ideological war between the main ideological movements: The comunism, the democracy and the fascism.
  • Operation barbarossa

    Operation barbarossa
    It was an german attemt to invade the USSR. It failed and it caused the enmity of Soviet Union ant the breaking of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    It was a japanese attack to the naval base of USA in Hawaii. This action caused a war between Japan and United States and the later bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This attack caused too the totally joining of USA to the WW2.
  • Atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    There were the first atomic bombs used in the history. It was the result of the insurrection of Japan and a attemp by United States to impress USSR. The bomb of Hiroshima was the first on the 6 of august of 1945, the bomb of Nagasaki was dropped three days after the bomb of Hiroshima. It entailed the the totas surrender of Japan.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The United Nations is a international organization created after WW2 to try to maintain the peace between countries.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    It is an international document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly that enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human beings.