Apsy licensing

Historical Perspectives in Psychology Project

  • 1375

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Masaccio
  • Attacking Dualism

    Attacking Dualism
    the presumption proposed that the human mind and body are two distinct entities that interact with each other to make a person. Rene Descartes
  • Evolutionary

    Natural selection "survival of the fittest"
    Charles Darwin & William James
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    Heredity is more important than environment. Sir Francis Galton
  • The Greek

    The Greek
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote an influential treatise on the psyche, called in Greek Περὶ Ψυχῆς (Peri Psyches), in Latin De Anima and in English On the Soul. Aristotle's theory of the "three souls (psyches)" (vegetal, animal, and rational) would rule the field of psychology until the 19th century.
  • Structuralism

    a theory of consciousness developed by Wilhelm Wundt and his student Edward Bradford Titchener.
  • Psychoanalytical

    Products of our nonconscious
    Alfred Adler
  • Biological

    Structure of the brain
    Roger Sperry
  • Functionalism

    refers to a general psychological philosophy that considers mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to the person's environment. William James
  • Behavorial

    Product of experiences
    John B Watson
  • Social-Cultural

    Presence of others
    Albert Bandura
  • Cognitive

    Behavior result process
    Guster Fechner
  • Humanistic

    Focuses on positive regard
    Carl Rogers